
WS Corpus analysis — Workshop materials and links

Nils Norman Schiborr, University of Bamberg

Slides and setup

presentation slides

download (879 KB/PDF)

link to the website

link to the website

Files for example A: NP lengths in Universal Dependency corpora

R scripts

download (6 KB/ZIP)

UD corpus data

download (28 MB/ZIP)

UD corpus data (full)

download (384 MB/ZIP)

link to the website

Data from: Zeman, Daniel & Nivre, Joakim & Abrams, Mitchell & alii. 2020. Universal Dependencies 2.7. Prague: Universal Dependencies Consortium.

Files for example B: Anaphoric distances in the Multi-CAST collection

R scripts

download (3 KB/ZIP)

link to the website

download (240 KB/PDF)

download (753 KB/PDF)

Data from: Haig, Geoffrey & Schnell, Stefan. 2021. Multi-CAST: Multilingual Corpus of Annotated Spoken Texts. Version 2101.