Text preview: mc_teop_iar

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  • Metadata summary
  • corpusteop
  • textiar
  • speakerTP01
  • annotator(s)Ulrike Mosel, Stefan Schnell
  • version2311
  • last updated2022-03-18
Annotation key
utterance identifier
object language utterance
  • grammatical words
  • morphological glosses
  • annotations with GRAID
  • referent indexing with RefIND
  • annotations with ISNRef
‘idiomatic translation’
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Bara
  • alright
  • other
Enaa a henanaa e Ruth Iarabee.
  • E-naa
  • H-1SG.PRON
  • pro.1:dt_poss
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • hena
  • name
  • np:s
  • -naa
  • -1SG.PRON
  • -rn_pro.1:poss
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • Ruth Iarabee
  • Ruth.Iarabee
  • pn_np:pred
‘My name is Ruth Iarabee.’
Enaa kahi vahutate nom a -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • E-naa
  • H-1SG.PRON
  • pro.1:a
  • kahi
  • TAM1
  • lv
  • vahutate
  • tell
  • v:pred
  • nom
  • IPFV
  • rv
‘I am going to tell a --’
o vahutate tea moon a henanae Taguone.
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • vahutate
  • story
  • np:p
  • te
  • PREP
  • rn_adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • moon
  • girl
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • hena
  • name
  • np:s
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np:pred
‘a story about a girl whose name was Taguone.’
E - e - a hena na moon vai teo vahutate vai e Taguone.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • hena
  • name
  • np:s
  • 0005
  • bridging
  • -n=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • moon
  • girl
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • 0004
  • new
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • te
  • PREP
  • rn_adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =rn
  • vahutate
  • story
  • rn_np:poss
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np:pred
‘The name of this woman in this story was Taguone.’
Erau, bara,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Erau
  • so
  • other
  • bara
  • alright
  • other
‘Now, alright,’
e Taguone na - na aba roho
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:s
  • 0004
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • aba
  • person
  • np.h:pred
  • roho
  • before
  • other
‘Taguone was -- was a person’
evehee o - a sii - o sii taba koa o sii -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • evehee
  • but
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • sii
  • DIM
  • ln
  • taba
  • thing
  • np:pred
  • koa
  • only
  • other
‘but a little -- only a little thing’
o sii is- ta vasu.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • sii
  • DIM
  • ln
  • ta
  • piece
  • np:pred
  • vasu
  • stone
  • rn_np
‘a little piece of stone.’
O - o - enam na ius ni nom ee
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • e-nam
  • pro.1:a
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • ius
  • use
  • v:pred
  • ni
  • APPL
  • rv
  • nom
  • IPFV
  • rv
  • ee
  • 3SG.PRON
  • pro:p
‘A -- a -- we used it for’
tea paku a kahonam ore paa gogooravi
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • paku
  • make
  • vother:pred
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • kaho
  • head
  • np:p
  • -nam
  • -1PL.EX.PRON
  • -rn_pro.1:poss
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro:s
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • gogooravi
  • red
  • v:pred
‘doing our head so that it becomes red,’
o uhu, o uhu.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • uhu
  • dye
  • np:pred
‘dye, dye (was it).’
Erau mea moon vai tea peha inu vai
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • moon
  • woman
  • np.h:a
  • 0010
  • new
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • te
  • PREP
  • rn_adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • peha
  • rn
  • inu
  • house
  • rn_np:poss
  • 0011
  • bridging
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
‘Now, this woman of this house’
paa vaatii roho bono tagu, o sii kepo vasu
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • vaa-tii
  • CAUS-be.there
  • v:pred
  • roho
  • before
  • other
  • bono
  • ln
  • tagu
  • lump
  • np:p
  • 0006
  • new
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • sii
  • DIM
  • ln
  • kepo
  • piece
  • np:appos
  • 0006
  • vasu
  • stone
  • rn_np
‘had stored the lump, this little piece of stone’
vai o--
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
tea tabae na siksiki nom nam ore paa muraka,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • tea tabae
  • because
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:p
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • sik-siki
  • RED-crush
  • v:pred
  • nom
  • IPFV
  • rv
  • nam
  • pro.1:a
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro:s
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • muraka
  • soft
  • v:pred
‘because we crush (it) so that it becomes soft,’
nam paa vaatei o oil
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • nam
  • pro.1:a
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • vaa-tei
  • CAUS-be.there
  • v:pred
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • oil
  • oil
  • np:p
‘we add oil’
me bona ei komana tope ae o one,
  • me
  • with
  • adp
  • bona
  • 4SG.PRON
  • pro:obl
  • ei
  • DEM2
  • other
  • koma-
  • inside-
  • np:l
  • -n=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • tope
  • coconut.shell
  • rn_np:poss
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • one
  • clay
  • np:p
‘to it, that is inside a coconut shell, and the clay,’
erau enam paa uhu a kahonam,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • erau
  • then
  • other
  • e-nam
  • pro.1:a
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • uhu
  • colour
  • v:pred
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • kaho-
  • head-
  • np:p
  • -nam
  • -1PL.EX.PRON
  • -rn_pro.1:poss
‘then we colour our head’
ore paa gogooravi
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro:s
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • gogooravi
  • red
  • v:pred
‘so that it becomes red’
tea maa bon beera te - tenam a vaan tea maa piuvu,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:other
  • bon
  • night
  • rn_np
  • beera
  • big
  • rn_adj
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • nam
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • vaan
  • village
  • np.h:appos
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:other
  • piuvu
  • piuvu.dance
  • rn_np
  • 0017
  • new
‘when we, the village, have our big nights, the piuvu dances (lit. at the big days of us, the village, at the piuvu dances)’
a hagi, amaa vahara beiko mee kahi vataviri rori teo piuvu
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • hagi
  • dance
  • np:appos
  • 0017
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np.h:s
  • vahara
  • little.PL
  • rn
  • beiko
  • child
  • rn
  • mee
  • too
  • rn
  • kahi
  • TAM1
  • lv
  • va-taviri
  • MULT-go.around
  • v:pred
  • rori
  • 3PL.IPFV
  • rv-pro_h_s
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • piuvu
  • piuvu.dance
  • np:other
  • 0017
‘the dance, the children, too, would go around in the piuvu dance,’
bon beera tenam, enam paa uhu ee.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • bon
  • night
  • np:dt_other
  • beera
  • big
  • rn_adj
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • nam
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • e-nam
  • pro.1:a
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • uhu
  • colour
  • v:pred
  • ee
  • 3SG.PRON
  • pro:p
‘(for) our big night, we colour it (our head).’
Erau me a - me paa tiitii
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0006
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • tii-tii
  • RED-be.there
  • v:pred
‘And so, it was there’
mea peha moon paa uhu ni bono sii hum one o tagu
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • peha
  • ln
  • moon
  • woman
  • np.h:a
  • 0010
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • uhu
  • colour
  • v:pred
  • ni
  • APPL
  • rv
  • bono
  • ln
  • sii
  • DIM
  • ln
  • hum
  • bit
  • np:p
  • 0006
  • one
  • clay
  • rn_np
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • tagu
  • lump
  • np:appos
  • 0006
‘and a woman used a little bit of clay, a lump, as dye,’
me paa vaatii roho tea - teo poa teve
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0010
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • vaa-tii
  • CAUS-be.there
  • v:pred
  • roho
  • before
  • other
  • ZERO
  • 4SG.ZERO
  • 0:p
  • 0006
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • poa
  • shelf
  • np:g
  • 0020
  • new
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0010
‘and stored (it) -- on her shelf,’
o hum vavaatii nahu teve,
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • hum
  • place
  • np:appos
  • 0020
  • va-vaa-tii
  • RED-CAUS-be.there
  • rn
  • nahu
  • pot
  • rn_np
  • 0021
  • new
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0010
‘the place where she keeps her pots (lit. her pot keeping place)’
erau mepaa kokopo bona bona a nahu kasuana.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • erau
  • then
  • other
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0010
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • kokopo
  • cover
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • 4SG.PRON
  • pro:p
  • 0006
  • bona
  • ln
  • nahu
  • pot
  • np:p2
  • 0022
  • new
  • kasuana
  • earth
  • rn_np
‘then (she) covered it in a clay pot.’
Ei Teapu ahiki ta kakaen nahu vai ta sosopene,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Ei
  • here
  • other
  • Teapu
  • Teop.area
  • pn_np:dt_l
  • ahiki
  • not.exist
  • other:pred
  • ta
  • ln
  • ka-kaen
  • RED-kind
  • np:s
  • nahu
  • pot
  • rn_np
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • ta
  • ln
  • sosopene
  • saucepan
  • np:appos
‘Here in the Teop area, there were not these kinds of pots, the saucepans,’
ahiki, a nahu kasuana
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ahiki
  • not.exist
  • other
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • nahu
  • pot
  • np:p
  • kasuana
  • earth
  • rn_np
‘no, (there were) clay pots’
na pakupaku roho a - a moon vaa nabunuu bono kasuana.
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • paku-paku
  • RED-make
  • v:pred
  • roho
  • before
  • other
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • moon
  • woman
  • np.h:a
  • vaa
  • LNK
  • rn
  • nabunuu
  • in.the.past
  • rn
  • bono
  • ln
  • kasuana
  • earth
  • np:p2
‘made from clay by the woman of former times.’
O kepaa ae a nahu a beera,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • O
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • kepaa
  • clay-pot
  • np:dt_s
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • nahu
  • pot
  • np:dt_s
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • rn
  • beera
  • big
  • rn
‘The kepaa -- clay pot and the big pot,’
amaa meha nahu na bebeahu voen, amaa meha amaa rutaa.
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:s
  • meha
  • other2.SG
  • rn
  • nahu
  • pot
  • rn
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • bebeahu
  • tall
  • v:pred
  • vo=
  • like=
  • =rv_adp
  • =en
  • DEM3
  • =other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:s
  • meha
  • other2.SG
  • rn
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:pred
  • rutaa
  • small
  • rn_adj
‘some pots were as tall as this, others were small.’
Mea moon paa vaakopo bono -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • moon
  • woman
  • np.h:a
  • 0010
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • vaa-kopo
  • CAUS-cover
  • v:pred
  • bono
  • ln
‘And the woman put the-’
o - o tagu one vai sii tavasu one vai ii
  • tagu
  • lump
  • np:p
  • 0006
  • one
  • clay
  • rn
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • sii
  • DIM
  • ln
  • ta
  • piece
  • np:appos
  • 0006
  • vasu
  • stone
  • rn
  • one
  • clay
  • rn
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • ii
  • DEM1
  • rn
‘this lump of clay, this little piece of clay,’
paana nahu.
  • paa-
  • underside-
  • np:g
  • -n=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • nahu
  • pot
  • rn_np:poss
  • 0022
‘under a pot.’
Me paa umee bona,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0010
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • umee
  • forget
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • 4SG.PRON
  • pro:p
  • 0006
‘and she forgot it,’
tea tabae amaa moon na vaatii miri bona maa nahu amaa berobero,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • tea tabae
  • because
  • other
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np.h:a
  • moon
  • woman
  • rn_np
  • 0024
  • new
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • vaa-tii
  • CAUS-be.there
  • v:pred
  • mi
  • with
  • rv
  • =ri
  • =3PL.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_a
  • bona
  • ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:p
  • nahu
  • pot
  • rn_np
  • 0025
  • bridging
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =rn
  • maa
  • PLM
  • rn
  • bero-bero
  • RED-many
  • rn_adj
‘because the women stored it with many pots,’
(a)maa bebeera, amaa nahunahu guu, amaa meha nahu muu,
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • rn
  • maa
  • PLM
  • rn
  • be-beera
  • RED-big
  • rn_adj
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:appos
  • nahu-nahu
  • RED-pot
  • rn_np
  • 0026
  • bridging
  • guu
  • pork
  • rn
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:appos
  • meha
  • other2.SG
  • rn
  • nahu
  • pot
  • rn_np
  • 0027
  • bridging
  • muu
  • taro
  • rn
‘big ones, pots with pork, other pots with taro,’
amaa meha nahu iana amaa rutaa.
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:appos
  • meha
  • other2.SG
  • rn
  • nahu
  • pot
  • rn_np
  • 0028
  • bridging
  • iana
  • fish
  • rn
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =rn
  • maa
  • PLM
  • rn
  • rutaa
  • little
  • rn
‘other little pots with fish.’
Erau me paa - sa kapakapa haa bona meha nahu a beera na tiitii koa,
  • #
  • #
  • ##neg
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0010
  • sa
  • NEG
  • lv
  • kapa-kapa
  • RED-open
  • v:pred
  • haa
  • NEG
  • rv
  • bona
  • ln
  • meha
  • other2.SG
  • ln
  • nahu
  • pot
  • np:p
  • 0022
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • rn
  • beera
  • big
  • rn_np
  • 0022
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • tii-tii
  • RED-be.there
  • v:pred
  • koa
  • just
  • rv
‘Then (she) did not open the other pot, the big one, it was just staying there,’
o tagu one he tea tii paana, e ta vasu one.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o
  • ART3
  • ln
  • tagu
  • lump
  • np:s
  • 0006
  • one
  • clay
  • rn
  • he
  • while
  • conj_other
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:pred
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • tii
  • be.there
  • vother:pred
  • paana
  • underneath
  • np:l
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • ta
  • piece
  • np:dt_s
  • vasu
  • stone
  • rn_np
  • 0006
  • one
  • clay
  • rn
‘while the lump of clay was staying underneath, the piece of clay.’
Me tei me tei me tei me tei mea –
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • tei
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • tei
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • tei
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • tei
  • be.there
  • v:pred
‘And (it) stayed and stayed and stayed and --’
a peha a - peho vuri
  • NC
  • NC
  • nc
‘one -- one day’
peho vuri me paa - , "A tabae bene to karakaras?"
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • peho
  • INDEF3
  • ln
  • vuri
  • time
  • np:other
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0010
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • A
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • tabae
  • what
  • np:pred
  • bene
  • DEM4
  • rn
  • #
  • #
  • #rc:s
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:s
  • karakaras
  • rustle
  • v:pred
‘one day (she) asked, "what is this that rustled?"’
to baitono bona - na baitono bona
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0010
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • baitono
  • hear
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • 4SG.PRON
  • pro:p
  • 0006
‘(she) heard it -- (she) heard it,’
a taba na karakaras nana
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a
  • ART2
  • ln
  • taba
  • thing
  • np:s
  • 0006
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • karakaras
  • rustle
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_s
‘the thing was rustling’
to kokopo nana nahu,
  • #
  • #
  • #rc_rn
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:s
  • 0006
  • kokopo
  • cover
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_s
  • nahu
  • pot
  • np:l
  • 0022
‘(that thing) that was covered in the pot,’
me paa hivi,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0010
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • hivi
  • ask
  • v:pred
‘and (she) asked,’
"Eh, o mutanaa, a tabae to karakaras nana tea -
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Eh
  • eh
  • other
  • o
  • oh
  • other
  • muta
  • spouse
  • np.h:voc
  • 0041
  • new
  • -naa
  • -1SG.PRON
  • -rn_pro.1:poss
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • tabae
  • what
  • np:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #rc:s
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:s
  • karakaras
  • rustle
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_s
‘Hey, oh my husband, what is rustling in the’
to - tea - eiei paana nahu, to kokopo nana nahu?"
  • paana
  • underneath
  • np:l
  • nahu
  • pot
  • rn_np:poss
  • 0022
  • #
  • #
  • #rc:appos
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:s
  • kokopo
  • cover
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_s
  • nahu
  • pot
  • np:l
  • 0022
‘that- in the- here underneath the pot? that is covered in the pot?"’
Erau meori paa kapa bari
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • bridging
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • kapa
  • open
  • v:pred
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro:p
  • 0022
‘And so they opened it,’
evehee na kahi potee maana bono -- o tagu koa,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • evehee
  • but
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:a
  • 0006
  • na
  • TAM2
  • nc
  • ai
  • ?
  • lv
  • potee
  • like
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_a
  • bono
  • ln
  • tagu
  • lump
  • np:p
  • koa
  • just
  • other
‘but it looked like a -- just a lump,’
na potee nana bono rupi toa.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:a
  • 0006
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • potee
  • like
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_a
  • bono
  • ln
  • rupi
  • egg
  • np:p
  • toa
  • chicken
  • rn
‘looked like a chicken egg.’
Kahi takopaa nana.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • Kahi
  • TAM1
  • lv
  • ta-kopaa
  • ACAUS-cut.open
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_s
‘(It) was going to split open.’
Na takopaa bata maana,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • Na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • ta-kopaa
  • ACAUS-cut.open
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_s
‘(It) was splitting open,’
evehee na karakaras nana.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • evehee
  • while
  • other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • karakaras
  • rustle
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_s
‘while (it) was rustling.’
Eikou teo vamurinae ore paa aba,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Eikou
  • however
  • other
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • vamurinae
  • future
  • np:other
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro:s
  • 0006
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • aba
  • person
  • np.h:pred
‘However, later on, it would become a human being,’
a sii aba, meori paa kokopo vaha bari
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • sii
  • DIM
  • ln
  • aba
  • person
  • np.h:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • kokopo
  • cover
  • v:pred
  • vaha
  • again
  • rv
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro:p
  • 0006
‘a little human being, and they covered it again’
meori paa tii bata,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • tii
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
‘and they waited,’
tii bata, tii bata, ori he tea kona bata
  • tii
  • be.there
  • nc
  • bata
  • CONT
  • nc
  • tii
  • be.there
  • nc
  • bata
  • CONT
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • e-ori
  • H-3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • he
  • but
  • conj_other
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:pred
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • kona
  • know
  • vother:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
‘waited, waited, but they knew,’
"Eara toro kapa vahaa roho a nahu,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • E-ara
  • pro.1:a
  • 0042
  • toro
  • must
  • lv
  • kapa
  • open
  • v:pred
  • vahaa
  • again
  • rv
  • roho
  • before
  • other
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • nahu
  • pot
  • np:p
  • 0022
‘"We must open the pot again,’
are paa kapa vahaa a nahu,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a-
  • 1PL.IN-
  • -pro.1:a
  • 0042
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • kapa
  • open
  • v:pred
  • vahaa
  • again
  • rv
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • nahu
  • pot
  • np:p
  • 0022
‘let's open the pot again,’
are tara a tabae?"
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a-
  • 1PL.IN-
  • -pro.1:a
  • 0042
  • re
  • conj_other
  • tara
  • see
  • v:pred
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • tabae
  • what
  • np:p
‘let's see what (it is)?"’
Merau meori paa kapa vaha bona nahu tea meha taem -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • rau
  • DEM5
  • other
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • kapa
  • open
  • v:pred
  • vaha
  • again
  • rv
  • bona
  • ln
  • nahu
  • pot
  • np:p
  • 0022
‘Then they opened the pot again a second time --’
teo meho vuri - meori paa tara bona a sii aba na -
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • meho
  • other3.SG
  • ln
  • vuri
  • time
  • np:other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • tara
  • see
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • sii
  • DIM
  • ln
  • aba
  • person
  • np.h:p
  • 0004
‘an other time -- and they saw the little person --’
na taba bata maana,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • taba
  • thing
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_s
‘(it) was something,’
na a - abaaba bata maana,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • aba-aba
  • RED-person
  • np.h:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_s
‘appeared to be a person,’
o tagu - o tagu one na abaaba bata maana.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • tagu
  • lump
  • np:s
  • 0006
  • one
  • clay
  • rn
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • aba-aba
  • RED-person
  • np.h:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_s
‘the lump -- the lump of clay appeared to be a person.’
Na potee bata maana bono - o tagu toa - rupi toa.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:a
  • 0006
  • Na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • potee
  • be.like
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_a
  • bono
  • ln
  • rupi
  • egg
  • np:p
  • toa
  • chicken
  • rn
‘(It) looked like a -- a chicken lump -- chicken egg.’
Meori paa vaakopo vahabana bari,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • vaakopo
  • cover
  • v:pred
  • vahabana
  • again
  • rv
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro:p
  • 0006
‘They covered it again,’
vaakopo vahabana bari me tii, tii, tii, tii, tii,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.h:a
  • 0042
  • vaakopo
  • cover
  • v:pred
  • vahabana
  • again
  • rv
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro:p
  • 0006
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.h:s
  • 0042
  • tii
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • tii
  • be.there
  • rv
  • tii
  • be.there
  • rv
  • tii
  • be.there
  • rv
  • tii
  • be.there
  • rv
‘covered it again and waited, waited, waited, waited, waited’
meori paa nanaoana vareko bata,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • na-nao-ana
  • RED-go-ADJR
  • v:pred
  • vareko
  • quite
  • rv
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
‘and they waited for quite a long time (lit. they went along quite far)’
meori paa kapa haabana bari, meori paa tara bona sii aba,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • kapa
  • open
  • v:pred
  • haabana
  • again
  • rv
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro:p
  • 0022
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • tara
  • see
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • sii
  • DIM
  • ln
  • aba
  • person
  • np.h:p
  • 0004
‘and they opened it again and they saw a little person’
a sii beiko aba.
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • sii
  • DIM
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:appos
  • 0004
  • aba
  • person
  • rn
‘a little human child.’
Ei kasi to tara vo raara teo -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Ei
  • DEM2
  • dem_pro:s
  • kasi
  • perhaps
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • #rc:s
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:other
  • tara
  • look
  • v:pred
  • vo
  • GOAL
  • rv_adp
  • ra=
  • 1PL.IN.IPFV=
  • =rv-pro_1_s
  • ara
  • pro.1:s
‘Now perhaps we look at the -- [lit. now perhaps, what we look at is]’
teo paepa vahuhu vaa inu vahuhu,
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • paepa
  • paper
  • np:obl
  • 0046
  • new
  • vahuhu
  • give.birth
  • rn
  • vaa
  • LNK
  • rn
  • inu
  • house
  • rn_np
  • 0047
  • new
  • vahuhu
  • give.birth
  • rn
‘at the birth certificate from the maternity hospital,’
teo buku bona
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • buku
  • book
  • np:l
  • 0048
  • new
  • bona
  • ANA
  • rn
‘in this book’
na tii nana amaa sii beiko, paku bau vonae
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • tii
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_h_s
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np.h:s
  • sii
  • DIM
  • rn
  • beiko
  • child
  • rn_np.h
  • 0049
  • bridging
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:obl
  • paku
  • do
  • v:pred
  • bau
  • perhaps
  • rv
  • vo=
  • like=
  • =rv_adp
  • na=
  • 3SG.IPFV=
  • =rv-pro_h_s
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =pro.h:s
  • 0004
‘where the children are (registered), she would be like (this) perhaps.’
paku kasi roho a sii beiko vai."
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:obl
  • paku
  • do
  • v:pred
  • kasi
  • perhaps
  • rv
  • roho
  • before
  • other
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • sii
  • DIM
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:s
  • 0004
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
‘This little child would perhaps have been like (this).’
Erau "He, he, hei, otei tenaa, a beiko teara,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • He
  • he
  • other
  • he
  • he
  • other
  • hei
  • hey
  • other
  • otei
  • man
  • np.h:voc
  • 0041
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • naa
  • 1SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • 0010
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0006
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:pred
  • 0004
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • ara
  • rn_pro.1:poss
‘Then, "Hey, hey, my man, (there is) a child for us,’
a beiko teara na tapaku.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:s
  • 0004
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • ara
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • 0042
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • ta-paku
  • ACAUS-make
  • v:pred
‘a child has been made for us.’
O taguone na paku bona beiko.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • O
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • tagu-one
  • lump-clay
  • np:a
  • 0006
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • paku
  • make
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:p
  • 0004
‘The lump of clay became a child.’
E ta vasu - one na paku bona beiko."
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • E
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • ta
  • piece
  • np:a
  • 0006
  • one
  • clay
  • rn
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • paku
  • make
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:p
  • 0004
‘A piece of stone -- clay became the child."’
Erau meori paa kokopo vaha bari.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • kokopo
  • cover
  • v:pred
  • vaha
  • again
  • rv
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0006
‘Then they covered it again.’
Ahiki beori suesue tea tavaan,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Ahiki
  • not.exist
  • other:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:s
  • be=
  • COMPL2=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • sue-sue
  • RED-tell
  • v:pred
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • ta-vaan
  • people-village
  • pl_np.h:g
‘They did not tell the people,’
tea tavaan teori, ahiki,
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • ta-vaan
  • people-village
  • pl_np.h:obl
  • 0051
  • bridging
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0042
  • ahiki
  • no
  • other
‘their people, no,’
tii varomi koari.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.h:s
  • 0042
  • tii
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • varomi
  • silent
  • rv
  • koa
  • just
  • rv
  • =ri
  • =3PL.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_s
‘(they) just remained silent.’
Mea beiko paa beera maa, beera maa,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:s
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
‘And the child grew bigger and bigger,’
me beera maa
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
meori paa gono bari,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • gono
  • get
  • v:pred
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
‘and they got her,’
gono vai ori a beiko, meori paa -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
  • gono
  • get
  • v:pred
  • vai
  • now
  • other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:dt_p
  • 0004
‘(they) got the child now, and they --’
meori paa kikira ni bari inu,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • kikira
  • look.after
  • v:pred
  • ni
  • APPL
  • rv
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
  • inu
  • house
  • np:l
  • 0011
‘and they looked after her in the house,’
a varavihi.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • varavihi
  • hidden
  • ap_other:pred
‘(she) was hidden.’
Ahiki beori -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Ahiki
  • not.exist
  • other:pred
‘They did not’
beori mee tavusu bari
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:s
  • be=
  • COMPL2=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • mee
  • lead
  • v:pred
  • tavusu
  • go.out
  • rv_v
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
‘take her out’
tea - ta tavaan re tara bari, ahiki, na tii koa,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ta
  • ln
  • ta-vaan
  • people-village
  • pl_np.h:a
  • 0051
  • re
  • conj_other
  • tara
  • see
  • v:pred
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ahiki
  • not.exist
  • other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • tii
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • koa
  • just
  • rv
‘to any people so that (they) would see her, no, (she) just stayed,’
tii koa mi riori,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
  • tii
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • koa
  • just
  • rv
  • mi
  • with
  • rv
  • ri=
  • 3PL.IPFV=
  • =rv-pro_h_a
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
‘they were just staying with (her),’
kikira vanenees rakaha ni ori,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
  • kikira
  • look.after
  • v:pred
  • vanenees
  • diligently
  • rv
  • rakaha
  • very
  • rv
  • ni
  • APPL
  • rv
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
‘they were very diligently looking after (her),’
meori antee komana tea an,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • antee
  • can
  • v:pred
  • komana
  • self
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • an
  • eat
  • vother:pred
‘and (when) they had something to eat [lit. could themselves eat],’
meori vaa'an bari,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • vaa-'an
  • CAUS-eat
  • v:pred
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
‘they would give her to eat,’
me paa beera me beera me beera.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
‘and (she) grew bigger and bigger.’
Rerau pita vai.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Rerau
  • then
  • other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • pita
  • walk
  • v:pred
  • vai
  • now
  • other
‘Then (she) walked.’
Pita koa komana inu,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • Pita
  • walk
  • v:pred
  • koa
  • only
  • other
  • koma-
  • inside-
  • np:l
  • -n=
  • 3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • inu
  • house
  • rn_np:poss
  • 0011
‘Walked only inside the house,’
tei vakis komana inu.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • tei
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • vakis
  • still
  • rv
  • koma-
  • inside-
  • np:l
  • -n=
  • 3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • inu
  • house
  • rn_np:poss
  • 0011
‘was still inside the house.’
Evehee beera hiava bata,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Evehee
  • but
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
  • hiava
  • go.up
  • rv_v
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
‘But (she) grew up,’
meori paa paku bono - o peho - o peho paku,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • paku
  • make
  • v:pred
  • bono
  • ln
  • peho
  • ln
  • paku
  • feast
  • np:p
  • 0053
  • new
‘and they made a -- a -- a feast,’
a kan a taba an,
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • kan
  • lots
  • np:appos
  • 0054
  • bridging
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • rn
  • taba-an
  • thing-eat
  • rn
‘lots of food,’
kahi vaa - kahi vaatavusu riori,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
  • kahi
  • TAM1
  • lv
  • vaa-tavusu
  • CAUS-come.out
  • v:pred
  • ri=
  • 3PL.IPFV=
  • =rv-pro_h_a
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
‘(they) would lead her out,’
tavaan re tara bari
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ta-vaan
  • people-village
  • pl_np.h:a
  • 0051
  • re
  • conj_other
  • tara
  • see
  • v:pred
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
‘for the people to see her.’
Meori paa neba bona a mohina,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • neba
  • plant
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • mohina
  • garden
  • np:p
  • 0055
  • new
‘And they planted a garden,’
a muu, pauna, a voi.
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • muu
  • taro
  • np:appos
  • 0056
  • new
  • pauna
  • banana
  • np:appos
  • 0057
  • new
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • voi
  • yam
  • np:appos
  • 0058
  • new
‘taro, banana, and yams.’
Nabunuu ahiki ta tapeako ae ta kaukau.
  • #
  • #
  • ##neg
  • nabunuu
  • in.former.times
  • other
  • ahiki
  • not.exist
  • other:pred
  • ta
  • ln
  • tapeako
  • manioc
  • np:s
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • ta
  • ln
  • kaukau
  • sweet.potato
  • np:s
‘In former times, there was not any manioc, sweet potatoes.’
Enam ahiki ta tapeako ae ta kaukau.
  • #
  • #
  • ##neg
  • e-nam
  • pro.h:dt_poss
  • ahiki
  • not.exist
  • other:pred
  • ta
  • ln
  • tapeako
  • tapioca
  • np:s
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • ta
  • ln
  • kaukau
  • sweet.potato
  • np:s
‘We had neither manioc nor sweet potatoes.’
Muu koa bara voi ae a pauna.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Muu
  • taro
  • np:predex
  • koa
  • only
  • rn
  • bara
  • and2
  • conj_other
  • voi
  • yam
  • rn
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • pauna
  • banana
  • np:predex
‘Only taro and yams and bananas (existed).’
Meori paa hivi, a tavaan vai vaan,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0051
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • hivi
  • ask
  • v:pred
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • ta-vaan
  • people-village
  • pl_np.h:appos
  • 0051
  • vai
  • LNK
  • rn
  • vaan
  • village
  • rn_np
  • 0061
  • bridging
‘And they asked, the people in the village,’
"A tabae to neba mi nom eam?
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • A
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • tabae
  • what
  • np:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #rc:s
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:p
  • neba
  • plant
  • v:pred
  • mi
  • for
  • rv
  • nom
  • IPFV
  • rv
  • e-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:a
  • 0042
‘"What are you planting for?’
A mohina vai a beera."
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0055
  • A
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • mohina
  • garden
  • np:pred
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • rn
  • beera
  • big
  • rn
‘It is a big garden."’
"Ah, pasi tara komana vuam
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Ah
  • ah
  • other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:p
  • pasi
  • TAM4
  • lv
  • tara
  • see
  • v:pred
  • komana
  • self
  • rv
  • vu=
  • IMM=
  • =rv
  • am
  • 2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:a
  • 0051
‘"Ah, you will see (it) yourself’
teo bon vai bea - a mohina manoto,
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • bon
  • day
  • np:other
  • 0063
  • new
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • be
  • when
  • conj_other
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • mohina
  • garden
  • np:s
  • 0055
  • manoto
  • ripe
  • v:pred
‘on the day when the garden is ready to be harvested,’
are paa paku a taba an a beera,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a-
  • 1PL.IN-
  • -pro.1:a
  • 0064
  • bridging
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • paku
  • make
  • v:pred
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • tabaan
  • food
  • np:p
  • 0054
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • rn
  • beera
  • big
  • rn
‘then we will make a big feast,’
are e - are paa vagana iana,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a-
  • 1PL.IN-
  • -pro.1:s
  • 0064
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • vagana
  • fish
  • v:pred
  • iana
  • fish
  • rv_np
‘we'll -- we'll go fishing’
are paa asunu guu,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a-
  • 1PL.IN-
  • -pro.1:s
  • 0064
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • asunu
  • kill
  • v:pred
  • guu
  • pig
  • rv_np
  • 0065
  • new
‘we'll kill pigs,’
paku guu ae paku iana,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:s
  • 0064
  • paku
  • do
  • v:pred
  • guu
  • pig
  • rv_np
  • 0065
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:s
  • 0064
  • paku
  • do
  • v:pred
  • iana
  • fish
  • rv_np
  • 0066
  • bridging
‘do pigs and do fish,’
taba an vaa mohina, eam paa tara a peha taba,
  • tabaan
  • food
  • rv_np
  • 0067
  • bridging
  • vaa
  • LNK
  • rv
  • mohina
  • garden
  • rv_np
  • 0055
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:a
  • 0051
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • tara
  • see
  • v:pred
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • peha
  • ln
  • taba
  • thing
  • np:p
  • 0004
‘food from the garden, then you see something,’
kahi - kahi vaataviri raara teo - teo piuvu
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
  • kahi
  • TAM1
  • lv
  • vaa-taviri
  • CAUS-go.around
  • v:pred
  • ra=
  • 1PL.IN.IPFV=
  • =rv-pro_1_a
  • ara
  • pro.1:a
  • 0042
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • piuvu
  • piuvu.dance
  • np:other
  • 0068
  • new
‘we'll let it go around in the -- in the piuvu dance’
tea koomaa
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • koomaa
  • chant
  • np:other
  • 0069
  • bridging
‘with the chanting’
bea tavaan hagi batari."
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • be
  • when
  • conj_other
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • ta-vaan
  • people-village
  • pl_np.h:s
  • 0051
  • hagi
  • dance
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • =ri
  • =3PL.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_s
‘when the people are dancing."’
Erau tii, tii, tii, tii, tii, tii, tii bona taem sana a - a-
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.h:s
  • 0051
  • tii
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • tii
  • be.there
  • nc
  • tii
  • be.there
  • nc
  • tii
  • be.there
  • nc
  • tii
  • be.there
  • nc
  • tii
  • be.there
  • nc
  • tii
  • be.there
  • nc
  • bona
  • ln
  • taem
  • time
  • np:other
  • sana
  • very
  • rn
‘then they waited, waited, waited, waited, waited, waited, waited for a very long time, the -- the’
a beiko bona a moon.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:s
  • 0004
  • bona
  • ANA
  • rn
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • moon
  • girl
  • np.h:pred
‘this child was a girl.’
Paa moon, paa mahurau,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • Paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • moon
  • woman
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • mahura
  • mature
  • v:pred
  • =u
  • =IMM
  • =rv
‘(She) became a woman, (she) became mature,’
orepaa sue, "Bara, eara antee vai tea paku a taba an.
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Bara
  • alright
  • other
  • e-ara
  • pro.1:a
  • 0064
  • antee
  • can
  • v:pred
  • vai
  • now
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • paku
  • make
  • vother:pred
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • tabaan
  • food
  • np:p
  • 0054
‘so that they said, "Alright, we can now make the food.’
A moon paa - a beiko paa mahura vaevuru,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:s
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • mahura
  • mature
  • v:pred
  • vaevuru
  • already
  • other
‘The woman -- the child is already mature,’
a moon sa ab - sana vaevuru, a moon a beera vaevuru.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • moon
  • woman
  • np.h:pred
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • rn
  • beera
  • big
  • rn
  • vaevuru
  • already
  • other
‘very much a woman already, an adult woman already.’
eam toro vagana maa!"
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:s
  • 0051
  • toro
  • must
  • lv
  • vagana
  • fish
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
‘you must go fishing for us!"’
E -- e beera, e beera vai komana vaan
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • beera
  • chief
  • np.h:dt_a
  • 0070
  • bridging
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • beera
  • chief
  • np.h:a
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • koma-
  • inside-
  • rn_np
  • n=
  • 3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • vaan
  • village
  • rn_np:poss
  • 0061
‘The -- the chief, this chief in the village’
na un bona suvin - susu bono karamusu ,
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • susu
  • beat
  • v:pred
  • bono
  • ln
  • karavus
  • garamut.drum
  • np:p
  • 0072
  • new
‘blew the conch shell- beat the garamut drum’
"Vatataonun maa, (va)tataonun maa, ma baitono!"
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:s
  • 0051
  • Vatataonun
  • come.together
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:s
  • 0051
  • vatataonun
  • come.together
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:s
  • 0051
  • ma
  • come
  • v:pred
  • baitono
  • listen
  • rv_v
‘"Come together here, come together here, come and listen!"’
A tavaan, maa moon, a abana beiko paa nomaa
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • A
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • ta-vaan
  • people-village
  • pl_np.h:s
  • 0051
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np.h:appos
  • moon
  • woman
  • rn_np.h
  • 0073
  • bridging
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • abana
  • men
  • pl_np.h:appos
  • 0074
  • bridging
  • beiko
  • child
  • rn_np.h
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • nomaa
  • come
  • v:pred
‘The people, the women, the young men came’
tea inu te chief meori paa -
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • inu
  • house
  • np:g
  • 0075
  • new
  • te
  • PREP
  • rn_adp
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =rn
  • chief
  • chief
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • 0070
‘to the house of the chief and they --’
inu te beera meori paa baitono bono moroko,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0051
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • baitono
  • listen
  • v:pred
  • bono
  • ln
  • moroko
  • speech
  • np:p
  • 0076
  • new
‘house of the chief and they listened to the speech,’
"Eam a abana nao nom tea vagana,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • E-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:s
  • 0074
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • abana
  • men
  • pl_np.h:appos
  • 0074
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • nom
  • IPFV
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • vagana
  • fish
  • vother:pred
‘"You men go fishing,’
eam amaa moon nao tea kabuu,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:s
  • 0073
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np.h:appos
  • moon
  • woman
  • rn_np.h
  • 0073
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • kabuu
  • prepare.the.feast
  • vother:pred
‘you women go to prepare the feast’
kabuu muu, vatevateen voosu maa a muu.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:s
  • 0073
  • kabuu
  • harvest
  • v:pred
  • muu
  • taro
  • rv_np
  • 0056
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:a
  • 0073
  • vate-vateen
  • RED-carry.in.backpack
  • v:pred
  • voosu
  • go.home
  • rv_v
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • muu
  • taro
  • np:p
  • 0056
‘a feast of taro, bring the taro home in backpacks.’
Karakara maa a muu ae a pauna kurukurusu mai,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:a
  • 0073
  • Kara-kara
  • RED-uproot
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • muu
  • taro
  • np:p
  • 0056
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • pauna
  • banana
  • np:dt_p
  • 0057
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:a
  • 0073
  • kuru-kurusu
  • RED-cut
  • v:pred
  • ma=
  • hither=
  • =rv_other
  • =i
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =pro:p
‘Uproot the taros, and the bananas, cut them,’
a voi, kasi maa a voi,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • voi
  • yam
  • np:dt_p
  • 0058
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:a
  • 0073
  • kasi
  • dig.out
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • voi
  • yam
  • np:p
  • 0058
‘the yams, dig out the yams,’
eam paa dee voosu mai me vaatii tea - tea inu tenaa.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:a
  • 0073
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • dee
  • carry
  • v:pred
  • voosu
  • go.home
  • rv_v
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =i
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =pro:p
  • 0058
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:a
  • 0073
  • vaa-tii
  • CAUS-be.there
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:p
  • 0058
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • inu
  • house
  • np:g
  • 0075
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • naa
  • 1SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • 0070
‘you carry them home and put (them) in -- in my house.’
Eam a abana dee maa a iana, eam paa -
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • E-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:a
  • 0074
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • abana
  • men
  • pl_np.h:appos
  • 0074
  • dee
  • carry
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • iana
  • fish
  • np:p
  • 0066
‘You, the men, bring the fish, you --’
a moon team paa tao maa.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • moon
  • woman
  • np.h:a
  • 0073
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • am
  • 2PL.PRON
  • rn_pro.2:poss
  • 0074
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • tao
  • bake
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • ZERO
  • 4SG.ZERO
  • 0:p
  • 0066
‘your women bake (them).’
Amaa moon team mee pasi nomaa tea tao bona - amaa muu.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np.h:s
  • moon
  • woman
  • rn_np.h
  • 0073
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • am
  • 2PL.PRON
  • rn_pro.2:poss
  • 0074
  • mee
  • too
  • rn
  • pasi
  • TAM4
  • lv
  • nomaa
  • come
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • tao
  • bake
  • vother:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:p
  • muu
  • taro
  • rn_np
  • 0056
‘Your women too will come to bake the -- the taros.’
Eara kahi - eara kahi paku rara
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-ara
  • pro.1:a
  • 0077
  • bridging
  • kahi
  • TAM1
  • lv
  • paku
  • do
  • v:pred
  • rara
  • rv-pro_1_a
‘We are -- we are going to perform’
o hagi teara."
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • hagi
  • dance
  • np:p
  • 0078
  • bridging
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • ara
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • 0077
‘our dance."’
Meori paa vagana,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0074
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • vagana
  • fish
  • v:pred
‘And they went fishing,’
vagana kasi bono peho - o peho tookiu,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.h:s
  • 0074
  • vagana
  • fish
  • v:pred
  • kasi
  • perhaps
  • other
  • bono
  • ln
  • peho
  • one3
  • ln
  • tookiu
  • week
  • np:other
  • 0079
  • new
‘went fishing perhaps for one -- one week,’
otei -eori he tea matatopo,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • otei
  • man
  • np.h:dt_s
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:pred
  • e-ori
  • H-3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0074
  • he
  • but
  • conj_other
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:pred
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • matatopo
  • prepare
  • vother:pred
‘the men -- while they were getting ready,’
eori paa sue, "Teo tookiu hiava,
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • e-ori
  • H-3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • tookiu
  • week
  • np:other
  • 0080
  • bridging
  • hiava
  • go.up
  • rn
‘they said, "Next week,’
eara repaa paku o paku,
  • e-ara
  • pro.1:a
  • 0077
  • re=
  • =conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • paku
  • make
  • v:pred
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • paku
  • feast
  • np:p
  • 0053
‘we will make a feast,’
eve teo Monday kiu hiava,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • pro:s
  • 0053
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • Monday
  • Monday
  • np:pred
  • 0081
  • new
  • kiu
  • week
  • rn_np
  • 0080
  • hiava
  • go.up
  • rn
‘it is on Monday next week,’
are paa paku o paku, are paa -
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a-
  • 1PL.IN-
  • -pro.1:a
  • 0077
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • paku
  • make
  • v:pred
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • paku
  • feast
  • np:p
  • 0053
‘we'll make the feast, we'll --’
are paa kiu tea bon,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a-
  • 1PL.IN-
  • -pro.1:s
  • 0077
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • kiu
  • work
  • v:pred
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • bon
  • night
  • np:other
  • 0082
  • new
‘we'll work in the night,’
beara vaatavusu bata rara a beiko tenam a varavihi."
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • be=
  • when=
  • =conj_other
  • ara
  • pro.1:a
  • 0042
  • vaa-tavusu
  • CAUS-come.out
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • rara
  • rv-pro_1_a
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:p
  • 0004
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • nam
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • 0042
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • rn
  • varavihi
  • hidden
  • rn
‘when we'll let our hidden child go out."’
"Hah, havee to gono nomam a beiko bona?"
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Hah
  • hah
  • other
  • havee
  • where
  • other:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #rc:s
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:l
  • gono
  • get
  • v:pred
  • nom
  • IPFV
  • rv
  • am
  • 2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:a
  • 0042
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:p
  • 0004
  • bona
  • ANA
  • rn
‘"Ha, where did you get this child from?"’
"Ae a beiko tenam komana",
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • #
  • #
  • #ds_cc:pred
  • Ae
  • eh
  • other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:pred
  • 0004
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • nam
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • 0042
  • komana
  • self
  • rn
‘"Eh, (it is) our own child",’
to boha vo a - a otei,
  • #
  • #
  • #rc:s
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:obl
  • boha
  • say
  • v:pred
  • vo
  • like
  • rv_adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • otei
  • man
  • np.h:s
  • 0041
‘said the -- the man, (was like what the man said)’
"A beiko tenam komana,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:pred
  • 0004
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • nam
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • 0042
  • komana
  • self
  • rn
‘"(It is) our own child’
na kahi vaatavusu raara, a hena a- , a-
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
  • na
  • TAM2
  • nc
  • kahi
  • TAM1
  • lv
  • vaa-tavusu
  • CAUS-come.out
  • v:pred
  • ra=
  • 1PL.IN.IPFV=
  • =rv-pro_1_a
  • ara
  • pro.1:a
  • 0042
‘we'll let (her) go out, the name of the -- the --’
a beiko vai pasi tara vuam, eam paa tara ee a moon."
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:p
  • 0004
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • pasi
  • TAM4
  • lv
  • tara
  • see
  • v:pred
  • vu=
  • IMM=
  • =rv
  • am
  • 2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:a
  • 0051
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:a
  • 0051
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • tara
  • see
  • v:pred
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =pro.h:p
  • 0004
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • moon
  • girl
  • np.h:pred
‘this child, you will see, then you will see it is a girl."’
Erau, meori paa taotao meori -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0073
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • tao-tao
  • RED-bake
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0073
‘Then they did the baking and they --’
sibo - taotao bona iana
  • tao-tao
  • RED-bake
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • iana
  • fish
  • np:p
  • 0066
‘roast -- baked the fish’
meori taotao guu,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0073
  • tao-tao
  • RED-bake
  • v:pred
  • guu
  • pig
  • rv_np
  • 0065
‘and they baked pigs,’
meori taotao bono muu, voi,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0073
  • tao-tao
  • RED-bake
  • v:pred
  • bono
  • ART2.PL
  • ln
  • muu
  • taro
  • np:p
  • 0056
  • voi
  • yam
  • rn_np
  • 0058
‘and they baked the taros, the yams,’
pauna meori paa sue voenei,
  • pauna
  • banana
  • rn_np
  • 0057
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0073
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
  • vo=
  • like=
  • =rv_adp
  • enei
  • this.way
  • other
‘bananas and they said,’
"Subunubu are paa paku piuvu tea bon."
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Subunubu
  • tomorrow
  • other
  • 0083
  • new
  • a-
  • 1PL.IN-
  • -pro.1:a
  • 0077
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • paku
  • do
  • v:pred
  • piuvu
  • piuvu.dance
  • rv
  • 0078
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • bon
  • night
  • np:other
‘"Tomorrow we will do the piuvu dance in the night."’
Meori paa paku paku vo teebona,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0077
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • paku
  • do
  • v:pred
  • paku
  • feast
  • rv_np
  • 0053
  • vo
  • like
  • rv_adp
  • teebona
  • this.way
  • other
‘And they made the feast in this way,’
taotao tea roava, tea bon meori paa vatataonun -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.h:s
  • 0073
  • tao-tao
  • RED-bake
  • v:pred
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • roava
  • daytime
  • np:other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • bon
  • night
  • np:other
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0077
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
‘did the baking during the day, and in the night they came together --’
vatataonun tea inu te beera,
  • vatataonun
  • come.together
  • v:pred
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • inu
  • house
  • np:l
  • 0075
  • te
  • PREP
  • rn_adp
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =rn
  • beera
  • chief
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • 0070
‘came together at the chief's house,’
rapana inu te beera ei, paku vonaen tea mahan vai
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • rapa-
  • side-
  • np:pred
  • 0085
  • bridging
  • -n=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • inu
  • house
  • rn_np:poss
  • 0075
  • te
  • rn_adp
  • beera
  • chief
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • 0070
  • ei
  • DEM2
  • dem_pro:s
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:a
  • 0085
  • paku
  • make
  • v:pred
  • vo
  • like
  • rv_adp
  • =na=
  • =3SG.IPFV=
  • =rv-pro_s
  • en
  • DEM3
  • other
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • mahan
  • open.space
  • np:l
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
‘beside the chief's house, it was like this in this open space,’
meori paa sun vataviri, meori paa
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0077
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • sun
  • stand
  • v:pred
  • va-taviri
  • ADVR-circle
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0077
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
‘and they stood there in a circle, and they’
taneo bono hagi.
  • taneo
  • start
  • v:pred
  • bono
  • ln
  • hagi
  • dance
  • np:p
  • 0078
‘started the dance.’
Evehee a moon vai na dao roho ori bene Taguone,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Evehee
  • but
  • conj_other
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • moon
  • woman
  • np.h:p
  • 0004
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • dao
  • call
  • v:pred
  • roho
  • before
  • rv
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • bene
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np:p2
‘But this woman they called Taguone,’
paa matatopo bona mahan.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • matatopo
  • prepare
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • mahan
  • open.space
  • np:p
  • 0085
‘she was prepared for the open space.’
E sinanae paa matatopo bona maa - amaa vohu teve
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • E
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • sina-
  • mother-
  • np.h:a
  • 0010
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • matatopo
  • prepare
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:p
  • vohu
  • belt
  • rn_np
  • 0087
  • new
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘Her mother prepared the -- her belts’
ae amaa kara kuriri teve,
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:p
  • kara
  • string
  • rn_np
  • 0088
  • new
  • kuriri
  • shell.money
  • rn
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘and her strings of shell money,’
ae amaa - amaa taba teve vaa rasuu,
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:p
  • taba
  • thing
  • rn_np
  • 0089
  • new
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • vaa
  • LNK
  • rn
  • rasuu
  • bush
  • rn_np
  • 0090
  • new
‘and the -- and her things from the bush (nicely smelling leaves),’
meori paku bona maa - kiskisi bata ni bari en - bari en moonae,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0091
  • bridging
  • kis-kisi
  • REF-tie.around
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • ni
  • APPL
  • rv
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro:p
  • 0092
  • bridging
  • en
  • here
  • other
  • moo-
  • leg-
  • np:l
  • 0093
  • bridging
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘they made the -- tied them here around her legs.’
meori matatopo vaneneesi rakaha bari.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0091
  • matatopo
  • prepare
  • v:pred
  • vaneneesi
  • nicely
  • rv
  • rakaha
  • very
  • rv
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
‘and they very nicely prepared her.’
Me tea bon meori paa vatavusu bari.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • bon
  • night
  • np:other
  • 0082
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0091
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • va-tavusu
  • CAUS-come.out
  • v:pred
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
‘And in the night, (they) let her go out.’
Meori vataviri mi bari,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0091
  • va-taviri
  • MULT-go.around
  • v:pred
  • mi
  • with
  • rv
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
‘And they went around with her,’
eori he sue vaevuru voen, "A henanae e Taguone."
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • e-ori
  • H-3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • he
  • but
  • conj_other
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
  • vaevuru
  • already
  • rv
  • vo=
  • like=
  • =rv_adp
  • en
  • DEM3
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • A
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • hena-
  • name-
  • np:s
  • 0094
  • bridging
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np:pred
‘but they had already said, "Her name is Taguone."’
Paa sue va- paa sue vaevuru e tamanae, "A henanae e Taguone.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
  • vaevuru
  • already
  • rv
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • tama-
  • father-
  • np.h:a
  • 0041
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • A
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • hena-
  • name-
  • np:s
  • 0094
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np:pred
‘Her father had said already, "Her name is Taguone.’
E Taguone to taviri vai."
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • E
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:pred
  • 0004
  • #
  • #
  • #rc:s
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:s
  • taviri
  • go.around
  • v:pred
  • vai
  • now
  • other
‘It's Taguone who is going around now."’
"Eh! Vahara beiko,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Eh
  • eh
  • other
  • Vahara
  • little.PL
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:voc
  • 0095
  • new
‘"Hey! Children,’
[UNCLEAR] eam toro nao, eam ma tara te -
  • e-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:s
  • 0095
  • toro
  • must
  • lv
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:s
  • 0095
  • ma
  • come
  • v:pred
  • tara
  • look
  • rv_v
‘[UNCLEAR] you must go, you come and look at --’
te Taguone to paa -
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • np.h:obl
  • 0004
‘at Taguone who --’
ma ta - to taviri miriori teo piuvu."
  • #
  • #
  • #rc_rn
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro.h:p
  • taviri
  • go.around
  • v:pred
  • mi=
  • with=
  • =rv
  • =ri=
  • =3PL.IPFV=
  • =rv-pro_h_a
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0073
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • piuvu
  • piuvu.dance
  • np:other
  • 0078
‘come -- who they are going around with in the dance."’
"Ae poomae, poomae a aba bona?"
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • poomae
  • from.where
  • other:pred
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • poomae
  • from.where
  • other:pred
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • aba
  • person
  • np.h:s
  • 0004
  • bona
  • ANA
  • rn
‘"Where does she come from, where does this person come from?"’
"A aba a beiko teori roho,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • A
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • aba
  • person
  • np.h:s
  • 0004
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:pred
  • 0004
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0042
  • roho
  • before
  • other
‘"This person is their child,’
a beiko teori komana roho a varavihi,
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:appos
  • 0004
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0042
  • komana
  • self
  • rn
  • roho
  • before
  • rn
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • rn
  • varavihi
  • hidden
  • rn
‘their own child that had been hidden before,’
paa vaatavusu vori teo piuvu,
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • vaa-tavusu
  • CAUS-go.out
  • v:pred
  • vo=
  • GOAL=
  • =rv_adp
  • 0042
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • piuvu
  • piuvu.dance
  • np:g
  • 0078
‘they have let (her) go out for the piuvu dance,’
[UNCLEAR] paa kao mana.
  • NC
  • NC
  • nc
‘[UNCLEAR] (she) finally goes.’
Meori atoato bata bona maa -amaa vohu te Taguone
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0073
  • ato-ato
  • RED-hold
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • bona
  • ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:p
  • vohu
  • belt
  • rn_np
  • 0087
  • te
  • PREP
  • rn_adp
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =rn
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • rn_pn_np.h:poss
  • 0004
‘And they held the -- Taguone's belts’
ae maa vahavero kara kuriri te Taguone.
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:p
  • vahavero
  • crosswise
  • rn
  • kara
  • string
  • rn_np
  • 0088
  • kuriri
  • shell.money
  • rn
  • te
  • PREP
  • rn_adp
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =rn
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • rn_pn_np.h:poss
  • 0004
‘and strings of shell money that were put crosswise on Taguone.’
Eori he mararae bata, eori he tea karavi bata "Eh,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • E-ori
  • H-3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0074
  • he
  • but
  • conj_other
  • mararae
  • happy
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • e-ori
  • H-3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0074
  • he
  • but
  • conj_other
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:pred
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • karavi
  • amazed
  • vother:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Eh
  • eh
  • other
‘They were happy, they were surprised, "Hey,’
a moon vai mataa ta,
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • moon
  • woman
  • np.h:pred
  • 0004
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • mataa
  • good
  • rn
  • ta
  • EMPH
  • rn
‘what a beautiful woman,’
a moon vai mataa ta!"
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • moon
  • woman
  • np:pred
  • 0004
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • mataa
  • good
  • rn
  • ta
  • EMPH
  • rn
‘what a beautiful woman!"’
Erau, tei vasihum koa, mea peha otei paa -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • tei
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • va-sii-hum
  • ADVR-DIM-bit
  • rv
  • koa
  • only
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • peha
  • ln
  • otei
  • man
  • np.h:a
  • 0096
  • new
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
‘Then, only shortly after that (lit. stayed only a bit), a man-’
rake bona ta - ta - ta tabae? ta vahio,
  • rake
  • want
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • 4SG
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • ta
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • tabae
  • what
  • vother:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • ta
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • vahio
  • marry
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • 4SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
‘wanted her to -- to -- to what? to marry (her),’
paa rake vue a peha otei,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 4SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • rake
  • want
  • v:pred
  • =u
  • =IMM
  • =rv
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • peha
  • ln
  • otei
  • man
  • np.h:a
  • 0096
‘a man wanted (her),’
me sinanae paa sue vamanaata bo tamanae,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =ln
  • sina-
  • mother-
  • np.h:s
  • 0010
  • na=
  • 3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
  • va-manaata
  • ADVR-agree
  • rv
  • bo
  • and3
  • conj_other
  • tama-
  • father-
  • np.h:dt_s
  • 0041
  • na
  • 3SG.POSS
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘and her mother and father agreed,’
meori paa sue,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
‘and they said,’
"Enam pasi kabuu vue a taba an,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-nam
  • pro.1:a
  • 0042
  • pasi
  • TAM4
  • lv
  • kabuu
  • prepare.feast
  • v:pred
  • vue
  • particular
  • rv
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • taba-an
  • thing-eat
  • np:p
  • 0097
  • new
‘"We will prepare the food for her,’
me paa mee nasu e Taguone tea atono team.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • pl_0.1:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • mee
  • bring
  • v:pred
  • nasu
  • ahead
  • rv
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:p
  • 0004
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • atono
  • leave
  • vother:pred
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =adp
  • am
  • 2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:l
  • 0098
  • bridging
‘and bring Taguone over to leave (her) with you.’
A beiko team paa hinou bene Taguone, enam pasi mee nasu vuee.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • A
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • beiko
  • child
  • np.h:a
  • 0096
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • am
  • 2PL.PRON
  • rn_pro.2:poss
  • 0098
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • hino
  • request
  • v:pred
  • =u
  • =IMM
  • =rv
  • bene
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:p
  • 0004
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-nam
  • pro.1:a
  • 0042
  • pasi
  • TAM4
  • lv
  • mee
  • bring
  • v:pred
  • nasu
  • over
  • rv
  • vu=
  • IMM=
  • =rv
  • ee
  • 3SG.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
‘Your child has requested Taguone, we will bring her over.’
Mea peha taba goe ta vapuripurihi ee a suinnae,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • peha
  • one2
  • ln
  • taba
  • thing
  • np:s
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • ZERO
  • 2PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.2:a
  • 0098
  • goe
  • do.not
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • ta
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • va-puri-purihi
  • CAUS_RED-wet
  • vother:pred
  • ee
  • 3SG.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • suin-
  • body-
  • np.h:appos
  • 0099
  • bridging
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘There is one thing, do not let her get wet, her body’
saka manin pita haana tea tahii,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds.neg
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • saka
  • NEG
  • lv
  • manin
  • at.all
  • lv
  • pita
  • walk
  • v:pred
  • haa
  • NEG
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_s
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • tahii
  • sea
  • np:l
  • 0100
  • new
‘(she) must not walk in the sea at all,’
samin pita haana tea tahii, samin -
  • #
  • #
  • #ds.neg
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • samin
  • NEG.at.all
  • lv
  • pita
  • walk
  • v:pred
  • haa
  • NEG
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_s
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • tahii
  • sea
  • np:l
  • 0100
  • #
  • #
  • #ds.neg
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • sa-min
  • NEG-at.all
  • lv
‘(she) must not walk in the sea at all, must not-’
a - sisibu haana tea ruene.
  • sisibu
  • bathe
  • v:pred
  • haa
  • NEG
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_s
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • ruene
  • river
  • np:l
  • 0101
  • new
‘ah -- bathe in the river.’
Eam kona nom, o meho matapaku tei tea nabunuu
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • E-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:a
  • 0098
  • kona
  • know
  • v:pred
  • nom
  • IPFV
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • meho
  • other3.SG
  • ln
  • matapaku
  • practice
  • np:s
  • tei
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • nabunuu
  • past
  • np:other
‘You know, we had other practices in the past, (lit. You know, other practice was there in the past.)’
tenam sa siisisibu haa roho,
  • Te=
  • PREP=
  • =adp
  • nam
  • pro.1:dt_s
  • #
  • #
  • ##neg
  • ZERO
  • pl_0.1:s
  • sa
  • NEG
  • lv
  • sii-sisibu
  • RED-bathe
  • v:pred
  • haa
  • NEG
  • rv
  • roho
  • before
  • other
‘As for us, (we) did not bathe,’
konoboo overe, konoboo tamuana koa tea maa - maa "
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • pl_0.1:s
  • konoboo
  • use.oil
  • v:pred
  • overe
  • coconut
  • rv_np
  • konoboo
  • use.oil
  • v:pred
  • tamuana
  • always
  • rv
  • koa
  • only
  • other
‘(we) used coconut oil, always only used oil -"’
Be gita, ore paa konoboo habana
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • Be
  • when
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • gita
  • dried.up
  • v:pred
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro.h:s
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • konoboo
  • use.oil
  • v:pred
  • habana
  • again
  • other
‘When (it) was dried up, they would use oil again,’
tea nubunubu ore paa havihavi bona suinriori
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • nubunubu
  • morning
  • np:other
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro.h:a
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • havi-havi
  • RED-wipe
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • suin-
  • body-
  • np:p
  • -ri=
  • -3PL.POSS=
  • =rn_pl_pro.h:poss
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
‘in the morning they would wipe their bodies’
tea nahu konoboo teori na hio nana inu,
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • nahu
  • pot
  • np:other
  • konoboo
  • oil
  • rn
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • hio
  • sit
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_h_s
  • inu
  • house
  • np:l
‘(taking the oil) from their oil pot sitting in the house,’
ore paa boha voen paa ruvu mau ruene ahiki,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • boha
  • say
  • v:pred
  • vo=
  • like=
  • =rv_adp
  • en
  • DEM3
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • ruvu
  • dive
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =u
  • =IMM
  • =rv
  • ruene
  • water
  • np:l
  • 0102
  • bridging
  • ahiki
  • not.exist
  • other
‘they said that (she) had not dived in the water, no,’
paa vahavihavi taono koau
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • va-havi-havi
  • MULT-RED-wipe
  • v:pred
  • taono
  • press.down
  • rv_v
  • koa
  • only
  • rv
  • =u
  • =IMM
  • =rv
‘(she) had only wiped her skin’
teo konoboo,
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • konoboo
  • oil
  • np:other
  • 0103
  • new
‘with oil,’
o konoboo o beera to paa paku riori, erau meori paa sue kiri bari,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • konoboo
  • oil
  • np:pred
  • 0103
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • rn
  • beera
  • big
  • rn
  • #
  • #
  • #rc:s
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:p
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • paku
  • make
  • v:pred
  • ri=
  • 3PL.IPFV=
  • =rv-pro_h_a
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • erau
  • then
  • other
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
  • ki
  • DAT
  • rv
  • =ri
  • =3PL.OBJM
  • =rv-pro_h_p
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0098
‘much oil they had to make, and then they said to them,’
"Pasi tii koa vo nom enei, samin sisibu haana,
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • Pasi
  • TAM4
  • lv
  • tii
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • koa
  • just
  • rv
  • vo
  • like
  • rv_adp
  • nom
  • IPFV
  • rv
  • enei
  • this.way
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds.neg
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • samin
  • NEG.at.all
  • lv
  • sisibu
  • bathe
  • v:pred
  • haa
  • NEG
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_s
‘"(she) must be like this, (she) should never bathe,’
antee nana tea paku bona - a mohina
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0004
  • antee
  • can
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_h_a
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • paku
  • make
  • vother:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • mohina
  • garden
  • np:p
  • 0104
  • new
‘(she) can make a garden,’
antee nana tea - tea - tea ubi, tea vateen naono maa
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0004
  • antee
  • can
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_h_a
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • ubi
  • collect.firewood
  • vother:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • vateen
  • carry.in.backpack
  • vother:pred
  • naono
  • wood
  • rv_np
  • 0107
  • new
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
‘(she) can collect firewood, bring firewood in the backpack’
bara tea nahunahu, na antee nana tea paku bona maa kiu bona.
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • bara
  • and2
  • conj_other
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • nahu-nahu
  • RED-cook
  • vother:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0004
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • antee
  • can
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_h_a
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • paku
  • do
  • vother:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:p
  • kiu
  • work
  • rn_np
  • 0108
  • new
  • bona
  • ANA
  • rn
‘and cook, (she) can do these kinds of work.’
Evehee tea sisibu, ahiki.
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • Evehee
  • but
  • conj_other
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • sisibu
  • bathe
  • np:dt_p
  • ahiki
  • not.exist
  • other:pred
‘But bathing, no.’
Tii nana a - a taba teve vaasisibu tevei o konoboo teve."
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • Tii
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_s
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • taba
  • thing
  • np:s
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • vaa
  • LNK
  • rn
  • sisibu
  • bathe
  • rn
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • =i
  • =DEM1
  • =rn
  • 0103
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • konobo
  • oil
  • np:pred
  • 0103
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘That's it. Her thing to bathe with is her oil."’
Meori paa mee bari,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • mee
  • bring
  • v:pred
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
‘And they brought her,’
mee vai ori teo - teo bon vai, ore he matatopo bona taba an.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
  • mee
  • bring
  • v:pred
  • vai
  • now
  • other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • bon
  • day
  • np:other
  • vai
  • DEM6
  • rn
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro.h:a
  • 0098
  • re
  • conj_other
  • he
  • but
  • conj_other
  • matatopo
  • prepare
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • taba-an
  • thing-eat
  • np:p
  • 0109
  • new
‘they brought (her) on this day, and whereas they (the boy's relatives) would prepare the food.’
Meori paa mee bene Taguone tea atono te - te roanabai teve
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • mee
  • bring
  • v:pred
  • bene
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:p
  • 0004
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • atono
  • leave
  • vother:pred
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =ln
  • roanabai
  • mother.in.law
  • np.h:obl
  • 0112
  • bridging
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘And they brought Taguone to leave her with her mother-in-law’
ae te avue teve, roanabai otei, roanabai moon.
  • ae
  • and1
  • conj_other
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =ln
  • avue
  • boy's.sister
  • np.h:obl
  • 0113
  • bridging
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • roanabai
  • in.law
  • np.h:obl
  • 0114
  • bridging
  • otei
  • male
  • rn
  • roanabai
  • in.law
  • np.h:obl
  • 0115
  • bridging
  • moon
  • female
  • rn
‘and her sister in-law, the male in-laws, the female in-laws.’
Meori paa nao, amaa avue teve na matatopo bona taba an
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np.h:a
  • avue
  • boy's.sister
  • rn_np.h
  • 0116
  • bridging
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • matatopo
  • prepare
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • taba
  • thing
  • np:p
  • 0109
  • an
  • eat
  • rn
‘And they went, her sister in-laws prepared the food’
to kahi an nana eve amaa raen te Taguone,
  • #
  • #
  • #rc_rn
  • to
  • REL
  • rel_pro:p
  • kahi
  • TAM1
  • lv
  • an
  • eat
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_h_a
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np.h:dt_a
  • raen
  • line
  • rn_np
  • 0117
  • bridging
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:appos
  • 0004
‘that she was going to eat, Taguone's people [lit. line/group],’
ore paa nomaa vahaa,
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • nomaa
  • come
  • v:pred
  • vahaa
  • back
  • rv
‘they came back,’
"Bara, enam ei, enam paa mee mau e Taguone tea atono,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Bara
  • alright
  • other
  • e-nam
  • pro.1:s
  • 0042
  • ei
  • here
  • dem_pro:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-nam
  • pro.1:a
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • mee
  • bring
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =u
  • =IMM
  • =rv
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:p
  • 0004
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • atono
  • leave
  • vother:pred
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0004
‘"Alright, we are here, we have brought Taguone to leave (her here with you),’
eam paa kikira vamataa nia sahata tenam."
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-am
  • H-2PL.PRON
  • pro.2:a
  • 0098
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • kikira
  • look.after
  • v:pred
  • va-mataa
  • ADVR-good
  • rv
  • ni
  • APPL
  • rv
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • sahata
  • dear
  • np.h:p
  • 0004
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • nam
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • 0042
‘you take good care of our dear."’
"Ah, enam pasi kikira ni vuee",
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • Ah
  • yes
  • other
  • e-nam
  • pro.1:a
  • 0098
  • pasi
  • TAM4
  • lv
  • kikira
  • look.after
  • v:pred
  • ni
  • APPL
  • rv
  • vu=
  • IMM=
  • =rv
  • ee
  • 3SG.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
‘"Yes, we will take care of her."’
e roanabai teve kou ei.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • roanabai
  • mother.in.law
  • np.h:pred
  • 0112
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • kou
  • EMPH
  • other
  • ei
  • DEM2
  • dem_pro:s
‘this was her mother-in-law.’
Erau, atono vai niori meori paa an,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • atono
  • leave
  • v:pred
  • vai
  • now
  • rv
  • ni=
  • APPL=
  • =rv
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0042
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • an
  • eat
  • v:pred
‘And so they left (her there) and they ate,’
an bona taba an meori paa nao vahaa,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0:a
  • 0042
  • an
  • eat
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • taba
  • thing
  • np:p
  • 0109
  • an
  • eat
  • rn
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0042
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • vahaa
  • again
  • rv
‘ate the food and they went again,’
nao vaha maa inu teori,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.h:s
  • 0042
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • vaha
  • again
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • inu
  • house
  • np:g
  • 0011
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0042
‘went again to their house,’
evehee e roanabai teve
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • evehee
  • but
  • conj_other
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • roanabai
  • mother.in.law
  • np.h:a
  • 0112
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘but her mother-in-law’
saka kiikira vamataa haana bene Taguone.
  • saka
  • NEG
  • lv
  • kikira
  • care
  • v:pred
  • va-mataa
  • ADVR-good
  • rv
  • haa
  • NEG
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_a
  • bene
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:p
  • 0004
‘did not take good care of Taguone.’
Meori paa mee bari tahii teo - teo peho bon,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • 0115
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • mee
  • take
  • v:pred
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro.h:p
  • 0004
  • tahii
  • sea
  • np:g
  • 0100
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • peho
  • ln
  • bon
  • day
  • np:other
‘They took her to the sea one day,’
nao tahii meori paa vagana maa,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.h:s
  • 0118
  • bridging
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • tahii
  • sea
  • np:g
  • 0100
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0118
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • vagana
  • fish
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
‘went to the sea and they fished,’
vagana maa am- o va- o kaku vagana tea maa moon,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.h:s
  • 0118
  • vagana
  • fish
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • kaku
  • kind
  • np:dt_other
  • vagana
  • fish
  • rn_np
  • 0119
  • new
  • te
  • PREP
  • rn_adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • maa
  • PLM
  • rn_pl_np.h:poss
  • moon
  • woman
  • rn
‘fished [STUTTERING] the women's kind of fishing,’
tea maa moon tenam ei Teapu ei na vaavaha nana,
  • te
  • PREP
  • rn_adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • maa
  • PLM
  • rn_pl_np.h:poss
  • moon
  • woman
  • rn
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn
  • nam
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • ei
  • DEM2
  • rn
  • Teapu
  • Teop
  • pn_np:appos
  • ei
  • DEM2
  • dem_pro:s
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • vaavaha
  • different
  • v:pred
  • nana
  • 3SG.IPFV
  • rv-pro_s
‘of our women here in Teop, this is different,’
na gono batari bona maa vahara taba tahii (a) maa (ru)tarutaa
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • pl_0.h:a
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • gono
  • get
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • =ri
  • =3PL.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_a
  • bona
  • ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:p
  • vahara
  • little.PL
  • rn_adj
  • taba
  • thing
  • rn
  • tahii
  • sea
  • rn
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • rn
  • maa
  • PLM
  • rn
  • ruta-rutaa
  • RED-small
  • rn_adj
‘(they) get the little things from the sea, the small ones,’
beori vaaobete batari tea bonaa,
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • be=
  • when=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:a
  • vaa-obete
  • CAUS-lie
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • =ri
  • =3PL.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_a
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:p
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • bonaa
  • fishing.basket
  • np:g
‘when they put (them) into the fishing basket,’
ore paa bero, bero, bero bero maa kakukaku taba,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro:s
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • bero
  • many
  • v:pred
  • bero
  • many
  • rv
  • bero
  • many
  • rv
  • bero
  • many
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:dt_s
  • kaku-kaku
  • RED-kind
  • rn
  • taba
  • thing
  • rn
‘so that there are many, many different kinds of things [lit. so that different kinds of things are many]’
ore paa ma nahu bari.
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • o-
  • 3PRON-
  • -pro.h:a
  • re
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • ma
  • come
  • v:pred
  • nahu
  • cook
  • rv_v
  • bari
  • 4PL.PRON
  • pro:p
‘to cook [lit. so that they come and cook them].’
Erau nao vai tea vagana tea maa moon.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Erau
  • so
  • other
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0118
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • vai
  • now
  • rv
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • vagana
  • fishing
  • np:other
  • 0119
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • rn_pl_np.h:poss
  • moon
  • woman
  • rn
‘And so (Taguone and her mother-in-law) went fishing in the women's way.’
Meori vagana, meori vagana, meori vagana,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0118
  • vagana
  • fish
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0118
  • vagana
  • fish
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me=
  • and4=
  • =conj_other
  • ori
  • 3PL.PRON
  • pro.h:s
  • 0118
  • vagana
  • fish
  • v:pred
‘And they fished, and they fished, and they fished,’
gono bona maa taba (a) maa bero.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3PL.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0118
  • gono
  • get
  • v:pred
  • bona
  • ln
  • maa
  • PLM
  • pl_np:p
  • taba
  • thing
  • rn_np
  • 0123
  • new
  • a=
  • ART2.SG=
  • =rn
  • maa
  • PLM
  • rn
  • bero
  • many
  • rn_adj
‘got many things.’
Evehee, e roanabai teve
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Evehee
  • but
  • conj_other
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • roanabai
  • mother.in.law
  • np.h:s
  • 0112
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘But her mother-in-law’
toro sue - toro vadadao,
  • toro
  • must
  • lv
  • va-da-dao
  • MULT-RED-call
  • v:pred
‘should have said -- should have called,’
"Are nao (a) puhana mene na puhana bata maana,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a-
  • 1PL.IN-
  • -pro.1:s
  • 0118
  • re
  • conj_other
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • puhana
  • high.tide
  • np:s
  • 0124
  • bridging
  • mene
  • otherwise
  • conj_other
  • na
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • puhana
  • high.tide
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_s
‘"Let's go, otherwise the tide will be too high,’
irihi a gohoho.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • irihi
  • edge.of.the.reef
  • np:s
  • 0125
  • bridging
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • gohoho
  • in-coming.tide
  • np:pred
‘the edge of the reef is flooded by the in-coming tide.’
A- a tahii na taneo bata maana tea nomaa
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • tahii
  • sea
  • np:a
  • 0100
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • taneo
  • start
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_a
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • nomaa
  • come
  • vother:pred
‘The sea starts coming,’
ii gina irihi."
  • ii
  • DEM1
  • rv
  • gina
  • over
  • rv
  • irihi
  • edge.of.the.reef
  • np:l
  • 0125
‘here over the edge of the reef."’
Evehee ahiki, sa sue haa,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Evehee
  • but
  • conj_other
  • ahiki
  • no
  • other:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0112
  • sa
  • NEG
  • lv
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
  • haa
  • NEG
  • rv
  • ZERO
  • 4SG.ZERO
  • 0:p
‘But no, (she) did not say (anything),’
nao - na tei umee koa bene Taguone,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0112
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • tei
  • be.there
  • v:pred
  • umee
  • forget
  • rv_v
  • koa
  • just
  • rv
  • bene
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:p
  • 0004
‘(she) went, had just forgotten Taguone,’
meo puhana paa beera maa me beera maa,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • puhana
  • high.tide
  • np:s
  • 0124
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0124
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
‘and the tide became higher and higher,’
me nomaa moonae
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0124
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • nomaa
  • come
  • v:pred
  • moo-
  • leg-
  • np:g
  • 0093
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘and got to her legs,’
me nomaa moonae,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0124
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • nomaa
  • come
  • v:pred
  • moo-
  • leg-
  • np:g
  • 0093
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘and got to her legs,’
me antee enei o puhanai.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • antee
  • reach
  • v:pred
  • enei
  • here
  • other:g
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • puhana
  • high.tide
  • np:s
  • 0124
  • =i
  • =DEM1
  • =other
‘and the high-tide reached until here now (Iarabee is pointing to her knees).’
Eve- e- e roanabai teve he sue
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • roanabai
  • mother.in.law
  • np.h:a
  • 0112
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • he
  • but
  • conj_other
  • sue
  • say
  • v:pred
‘She -- the -- but her mother-in-law said,’
"He! E Taguone,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • He
  • he
  • other
  • E
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:voc
  • 0004
‘"Hey, Taguone,’
enaa paa umee vuru,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-naa
  • H-1SG.PRON
  • pro.1:s
  • 0112
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • umee
  • forget
  • v:pred
  • vuru
  • long.time.ago
  • other
‘I have forgotten,’
enaa paa umee vuru tea sue,
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-naa
  • H-1SG.PRON
  • pro.1:a
  • 0112
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • umee
  • forget
  • v:pred
  • vuru
  • long.time.ago
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • sue
  • say
  • vother:pred
‘I have forgotten to say,’
eara re vakah(u) tea masi.
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • e-ara
  • pro.1:s
  • 0118
  • re
  • conj_other
  • vakahu
  • hurry
  • v:pred
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • masi
  • dry.reef
  • np:g
  • 0126
  • bridging
‘let us hurry to the dry reef.’
O puhana paa beera vaevuru."
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • O
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • puhana
  • high.tide
  • np:s
  • 0124
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
  • vaevuru
  • already
  • other
‘The tide is already high."’
Me- me Taguone paa buno tea
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =e
  • =ART.1SG
  • =ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:s
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • buno
  • move
  • v:pred
‘And -- and Taguone moved to --’
- tea tabin voosu vo tea nao,
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • tabin
  • turn
  • vother:pred
  • voosu
  • go.home
  • rv_v
  • vo
  • GOAL
  • rv_adp
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • nao
  • go
  • vother:pred
‘to turn back to go,’
ahaiki, puhana paa beera vaevuru,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ahaiki
  • no
  • other
  • puhana
  • high.tide
  • np:s
  • 0124
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • beera
  • big
  • v:pred
  • vaevuru
  • already
  • other
‘no, the tide was already high,’
me roanabai teve -
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • NC
  • NC
  • nc
‘and her mother-in-law --’
me roanabai teve paa nao
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • roanabai
  • mother.in.law
  • np.h:s
  • 0112
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
‘and her mother-in-law went,’
paa nao me takin,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0112
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0112
  • takin
  • go.out.of.water
  • v:pred
‘went out of the water,’
me takin tea masi
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0112
  • takin
  • go.out.of.water
  • v:pred
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • masi
  • dry.reef
  • np:g
  • 0126
‘and left the water and went to the dry reef,’
me Taguone he paa ponis vaevuru maa a suin nae
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:dt_poss
  • 0004
  • he
  • but
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • ponis
  • heavy
  • v:pred
  • vaevuru
  • already
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • suin-
  • body-
  • np:s
  • 0099
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘while Taguone had already become heavy in her body’
me paa nagu bata mana tea pita,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • nagu
  • exhausted
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • mana
  • finally
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:g
  • tea
  • COMPL1
  • conj_other
  • pita
  • walk
  • vother:pred
‘and (she) was too exhausted to walk,’
o puhana paa antee voen ei,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • puhana
  • high.tide
  • np:s
  • 0124
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • antee
  • reach
  • v:pred
  • vo=
  • GOAL=
  • =rv_adp
  • enei
  • here
  • other
‘the tide reached until here,’
na ponisi bata maana.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0004
  • na
  • TAM2
  • lv
  • ponisi
  • heavy
  • v:pred
  • bata
  • CONT
  • rv
  • maa
  • hither
  • rv
  • =na
  • =3SG.IPFV
  • =rv-pro_h_s
‘(she) was becoming heavy.’
Erau, teo vuri bona
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Erau
  • then
  • other
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =o
  • =ART3.SG
  • =ln
  • vuri
  • time
  • np:other
  • bona
  • ANA
  • rn
‘And so, at that time’
me sii - e roanabai teve paa nao tea masi,
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =ln
  • roanabai
  • mother.in.law
  • np.h:s
  • 0112
  • te=
  • PREP=
  • =rn_adp
  • 0004
  • eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • nao
  • go
  • v:pred
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • masi
  • dry.reef
  • np:g
  • 0126
‘her mother-in-law went to the dry reef,’
sun vaevuru tea masi
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0112
  • sun
  • stand
  • v:pred
  • vaevuru
  • already
  • other
  • te
  • PREP
  • adp
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =ln
  • masi
  • dry.reef
  • np:l
  • 0126
‘(when she) stood already on the dry reef,’
e Taguone paa ponisi vaevuru paa -
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • pn_np.h:s
  • 0004
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • ponisi
  • heavy
  • v:pred
  • vaevuru
  • already
  • other
‘Taguone had already become heavy --’
paa huun a suinnae,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • huun
  • liquid
  • v:pred
  • a
  • ART2.SG
  • ln
  • suin-
  • body-
  • np:s
  • 0099
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘her body became liquid,’
paa muraka, me paa taverete tahii,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0099
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • muraka
  • soft
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0099
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • ta-verete
  • ACAUS-turn
  • v:pred
  • tahii
  • salt.water
  • rv_np
‘became soft and turned into saltwater,’
me paa rova komana tahii.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0099
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • rova
  • disappear
  • v:pred
  • koma-
  • inside-
  • np:l
  • -n=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • =a
  • =ART2.SG
  • =rn
  • tahii
  • sea
  • rn_np:poss
  • 0100
‘and disappeared in the sea.’
Me paa voosu e sinanae,
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • voosu
  • go.home
  • v:pred
  • e
  • ART1.SG
  • ln
  • sina-
  • mother-
  • np.h:s
  • 0010
  • -na=
  • -3SG.POSS=
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =e
  • =3SG.PRON
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
‘Her mother returned home,’
paa vaakoara me vaakoara bene roanabai te Taguone.
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0010
  • paa
  • TAM3
  • lv
  • vaakoara
  • swear.at
  • v:pred
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • vaakoara
  • swear.at
  • rv
  • bene
  • ln
  • roanabai
  • mother-in-law
  • np.h:p
  • 0112
  • te
  • PREP
  • rn_adp
  • =e
  • =ART1.SG
  • =rn
  • Taguone
  • Taguone
  • rn_pn_np.h:poss
  • 0004
‘(she) swore and swore at Taguone's mother-in-law.’
Eve koa o hutate me kavara vai
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • Eve
  • 3SG.PRON
  • pro:s
  • koa
  • just
  • other
  • o
  • ART3.SG
  • ln
  • hutate
  • story
  • np:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • me
  • and4
  • conj_other
  • ZERO
  • 3SG.ZERO
  • 0:s
  • kavara
  • finished
  • v:pred
  • vai
  • now
  • rv
‘That's just the story, and it is finished here.’