Text preview: ac_m_corona2

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  • Metadata summary
  • text titlecorona2
  • text typeac
  • speaker genderm
  • corpus version2.0
  • last updated2022-03-27
Annotation key
utterance identifier
formal form of the utterance
  • grammatical words
  • morphological glosses
  • annotations with GRAID-L
‘idiomatic translation’
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • mi-dân-am
  • IND-know.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘I know’
dusešun dârid
dustešân dârid
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • dust
  • like
  • np:lvc
  • =ešân
  • =3PL
  • =pro.h:p
  • dâr-id
  • have.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘You like them’
kasâi ke migiran
kasâni ke migirand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • kas-ân=i
  • person-PL=RM
  • np.h:other
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • compl
  • mi-gir-and
  • IND-take.PRS-3PL
  • v:pred
‘Those who get the virus’
va dust dârid
va dust dârid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • dust
  • like
  • np:lvc
  • dâr-id
  • have.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘And you like to’
bâhâšun berid
bâhešân beravid
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • with
  • adp
  • =hešân
  • =3PL
  • =pro.h:obl
  • be-rav-id
  • IMP-go.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘to go with them’
hemâyatešun konid
hemâyatešân konid
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • hemâyat
  • protection
  • np:lvc
  • =ešân
  • =3PL
  • =pro.h:p
  • kon-id
  • IMP.do.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘to support them’
ejâze bedid
ejâze bedahid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ejâze
  • permission
  • other:lvc
  • be-dah-id
  • IMP-give.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘Permit that’
unâ bebaranešun
ânhâ bebarandešân
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • ânhâ
  • 3PL
  • pro.h:s
  • be-bar-and
  • SBJ-take.PRS-3PL
  • v:pred
  • =ešân
  • =3PL
  • =pro.h:p
‘They take them’
ejâze bedid
ejâze bedahid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ejâze
  • permission
  • other:lvc
  • be-dah-id
  • IMP-give.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘Permit that’
bexâtere baqâ be xâtere hayât morâqebe xodetun bâšid
bexâtere baqâ be xâtere hayât morâqebe xodetân bâšid
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • bexâter=e
  • for=EZ
  • adp
  • baqâ
  • living
  • np:other
  • bexâter=e
  • for=EZ
  • adp
  • hayât
  • life
  • np:other
  • morâqeb=e
  • careful=EZ
  • other:lvc
  • xod=etân
  • self=2PL
  • refl_pro.2:obl
  • bâš-id
  • IMP.be.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘Take care of yourselves for survival and for life’
va agar har kodum gereftid
va agar har kodâm gereftid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • agar
  • if
  • other
  • har
  • each
  • ln_qu
  • kodâm
  • one
  • intrg_other.h:s
  • gereft-id
  • take.PST-2PL
  • v:pred
‘And if anyone of you get this virus’
dark konid
dark konid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • dark
  • understand
  • other:lvc
  • kon-id
  • IMP-do.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘Understand it’
ke nabâyad azâye xunevâde bâhâtun biyân
ke nabâyad aʔzâye xânevâde bâ šomâ biyâyand
  • #
  • #
  • #dc.neg
  • ke
  • compl
  • na-bâyad
  • NEG-must
  • lv_aux
  • aʔzâ=ye
  • member.PL=EZ
  • np:p
  • xânevâde
  • family
  • rn_np.h
  • with
  • adp
  • šomâ
  • 2PL
  • pro.2:obl
  • bi-yâ-yand
  • SBJ-come.PRS-3PL
  • v:pred
‘that nobody of your family should come with you’
bâvar konid
bâvar konid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bâvar
  • belief
  • other:lvc
  • kon-id
  • IMP.do.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘Believe it’
saqez yeki az šahrhâye kordestân šode manšaʔe paxše in virus faqat be dalile be čand tâ dalile xâs
saqez yeki az šahrhâye kordestân šode ast manšaʔe paxše in virus faqat be dalile be čand tâ dalile xâs
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • saqez
  • Saqez
  • pn_np:s
  • yek=i
  • one=INDF
  • ln_qu
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • šahr-hâ=ye
  • city-PL=EZ
  • np:other
  • kordestân
  • Kordestan
  • rn_pn_np
  • šod-e
  • become.PST-PTCP
  • cop
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
  • manšaʔ=e
  • origin=EZ
  • np:pred
  • paxš=e
  • spread=EZ
  • rn_np
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • virus
  • virus
  • rn_np
  • faqat
  • just
  • other
  • be
  • in
  • adp
  • dalil=e
  • reason=EZ
  • np:other
  • be
  • in
  • adp
  • čand
  • several
  • ln_qu
  • CLF
  • ln_other
  • dalil=e
  • reason=EZ
  • np:obl
  • xâs
  • special
  • rn_other
‘Saqez, a city of Kurdestan, has become the diffusion source of this virus, because of a number of reasons’
yek bargozâriye čand tâ marâseme fâtehexâni ʔazâ barâye kasâi ke mordan
yek bargozâriye čand tâ marâseme fâtehexâni ʔazâ barâye kasâni ke mordand
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • yek
  • one
  • nc
  • bargozâri=ye
  • execute=EZ
  • nc
  • čand
  • several
  • nc
  • CLF
  • nc
  • marâsem=e
  • ceremony.PL=EZ
  • nc
  • fâtehexâni
  • reading Al-Fatiha
  • nc
  • ʔazâ
  • mourning
  • nc
  • barâ=ye
  • for=EZ
  • nc
  • kas-ân=i
  • person-PL=RM
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • compl
  • mord-and
  • die.PST-3PL
  • v:pred
‘First, holding several mourning ceremonies for the people who died’
az yeki az hamin marâsemâ čon sâhebe ʔazâ xodeš bimâr bude
az yeki az hamin marâsemhâ čon sâhebe ʔazâ xodaš bimâr bude ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • yek=i
  • one=INDF
  • ln_qu
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • hamin
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • marâsem-hâ
  • ceremony.PL-PL
  • np:other
  • čon
  • because
  • other
  • sâheb=e
  • owner=EZ
  • np.h:dt
  • ʔazâ
  • mourning
  • rn_np
  • xod=aš
  • self=3SG
  • refl_pro.h:s
  • bimâr
  • sick
  • other:pred
  • bud-e
  • be.PST-PTCP
  • cop
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
‘From one of this mourning ceremonies because the mourner himself was sick’
va hameʔam raftan
va hame ham raftand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • hame
  • all
  • qu_pro.h:s
  • =ham
  • =also
  • =other
  • raft-and
  • go.PST-3PL
  • v:pred
‘And everybody went there’
tasliyat goftan
tasliyat goftand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • tasliyat
  • condolence
  • other:lvc
  • goft-and
  • say.PST-3PL
  • v:pred
‘They offered condolences’
tak take kasâyi ke tu un marâsem budan
tak take kasâni ke dar ân marâsem budand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • tak tak=e
  • everyone=EZ
  • ln_qu
  • kas-ân=i
  • person-PL=RM
  • np.h:s
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • compl
  • dar
  • in
  • adp
  • ân
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • marâsem
  • ceremony.PL
  • np:l
  • bud-and
  • be.PST-3PL
  • predex
‘Every single person who was at that ceremony’
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • gereft-and
  • take.PST-3PL
  • v:pred
‘They have got the virus’
alân tak takešun dâran ezâm mišan sanandaj
alân tak takešân dârand eʔzâm mišavand sanandaj
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • alân
  • now
  • other
  • tak tak
  • one one
  • qu_pro:s
  • =ešân
  • =3PL
  • =pro.h:obl
  • dâr-and
  • IND.have.PRS-3PL
  • lv_aux
  • eʔzâm
  • send
  • other:lvc
  • mi-šav-and
  • IND-become.PRS-3PL
  • v:pred
  • sanandaj
  • Sanandaj
  • pn_np:g
‘And now all of them are being transferred to Sanandaj’
har čand ruz dâre yekišun alâʔemo nešun mide
har čand ruz dârad yekišân ʔalâʔem râ nešân midahad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • har
  • every
  • ln_qu
  • čand
  • few
  • ln_qu
  • ruz
  • day
  • np:other
  • dâr-ad
  • IND.have.PRS-3SG
  • lv_aux
  • yek=i
  • one=INDF
  • qu_pro.h:s
  • =šân
  • =3PL
  • =pro.h:obl
  • ʔalâʔem
  • symptom.PL
  • np:p
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • nešân
  • show
  • other:lvc
  • mi-dah-ad
  • IND-give.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘Every other day one of them is going to show the symptoms’
va mimire
va mimirad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • mi-mir-ad
  • IND-die.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘And he will die’
mimiran xeyli râhat
mimirand xeyli râhat
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • mi-mir-and
  • IND-die.PRS-3PL
  • v:pred
  • xeyli
  • very
  • other
  • râhat
  • easily
  • other
‘They are dying very easily’
tâ alân migoftan
tâ alân migoftand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • untill
  • adp
  • alân
  • now
  • np:other
  • mi-goft-and
  • PROG-say.PST-3PL
  • v:pred
‘Until now they were saying that’
kovid nuzdah bačehâro faqat bačehâ ro nemigire
kovid nuzdah baččehâ râ faqat baččehâ râ nemigirad
  • #
  • #
  • #ds.neg
  • kovid
  • Covid
  • pn_np:s
  • nuzdah
  • nineteen
  • rn_num
  • bačče-hâ
  • child-PL
  • np.h:p
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • faqat
  • only
  • other
  • bačče-hâ
  • child-PL
  • np.h:p
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • ne-mi-gir-ad
  • NEG-IND-infect.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘The covid-19 virus just doesn't infect children’
bozorgsalhâ râ
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • bozorgsal-hâ
  • adult-PL
  • nc
  • =râ
  • =râ
  • nc
‘Adults whom are...’
man behetun begam
man behetân beguyam
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • man
  • 1SG
  • pro.1:s
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • =hetân
  • =2PL
  • =pro.2:g
  • be-guy-am
  • SBJ-say.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘I tell you that’
az in hafte mâ xeyli foti dâštim
az in hafte mâ xeyli foti dâštim
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • hafte
  • week
  • np:other
  • 1PL
  • pro.1:dt_s
  • xeyli
  • very
  • other
  • foti
  • deceased
  • np:p
  • dâšt-im
  • have.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
‘from this week, we have had so many deceased person’
va az un xeyliyâ si darsadešun bačehâye yek sâle tâ bisto panj sâle budan
va az ân xeylihâ si darsadešân baččehâye yek sâle tâ bisto panj sâle budand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • ân
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • xeyli-hâ
  • very-PL
  • np:obl
  • si
  • thirty
  • rn_num
  • darsad
  • percent
  • np:s
  • =ešân
  • =3PL
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • bačče-hâ=ye
  • child-PL=EZ
  • np.h:pred
  • yek-sâle
  • one-year-old
  • rn_other
  • till
  • other
  • bist va panj-sâle
  • twenty five-year-old
  • rn_other
  • bud-and
  • be.PST-3PL
  • cop
‘And from all of that large number of deceased person, about 30% of them were children from the age of 1 to 25’
bist tâ panjâh sâlaram gerefte
bist tâ panjâh sâle râ ham gerefte ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bist
  • twenty
  • num_pro:p
  • till
  • other
  • panjâh
  • fifty
  • rn_np
  • sâle
  • years old
  • rn_other
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • =ham
  • =also
  • =other
  • gereft-e
  • infect.PST-PTCP
  • v:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
‘20 until 25-year-old persons has been infected’
va mikoše
va mikošad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • mi-koš-ad
  • IND-kill.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘And it kills’
beyne xafif tâ alân migoftan kovid nuzdah
beyne xafif tâ alân migoftand kovid nuzdah
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • beyn=e
  • between=EZ
  • nc
  • xafif
  • light
  • nc
  • until
  • nc
  • alân
  • now
  • nc
  • mi-goft-and
  • PROG-say.PST-3PL
  • nc
  • kovid
  • Covid
  • nc
  • nuzdah
  • nineteen
  • nc
‘Until now they were telling that....’
kovid nuzdah beyne xafif tâ šadide
kovid nuzdah beyne xafif tâ šadid ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • kovid
  • Covid
  • pn_np:s
  • nuzdah
  • ninteen
  • rn_num
  • beyn=e
  • between=EZ
  • adp
  • xafif
  • light
  • other:pred
  • until
  • other
  • šadid
  • severe
  • rn_other
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘Covid-19 infects lightly to severely’
man behetun migam
man behetân miguyam
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • man
  • 1SG
  • pro.1:s
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • =hetân
  • =2PL
  • =pro.2:g
  • mi-guy-am
  • IND-say.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘I am telling you’
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • naxeyr
  • no
  • nc
alân intori nist
alân intori nist
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • alân
  • now
  • other
  • intori
  • this way
  • np:pred
  • ni-st
  • NEG-be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘Now it is not like then’
alân az motevast šadid šoru miše tâ mordan
alân az motevast šadid šoruʔ mišavad tâ mordan
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • alân
  • now
  • other
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • motevaset
  • middle
  • other:obl
  • šadid
  • severe
  • rn_other
  • šoruʔ
  • start
  • other:lvc
  • mi-šav-ad
  • IND-become.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
  • untill
  • adp
  • mordan
  • die.INF
  • np:g
‘Now it starts from medium and severe infection to dying’
in čizi ke alân hast
in čizi ke alân hast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • čiz=i
  • thing=RM
  • np:s
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • compl
  • alân
  • now
  • other
  • hast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • predex
‘What exists now’
vahšatnâk ast
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • vahšatnâk
  • horrible
  • other:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘It's horrible’
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • mi-guy-am
  • IND-say.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘I am telling’
ke betarsid
ke betarsid
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • ke
  • compl
  • be-tars-id
  • IMP-fear.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘that you are afraid’
bâyad betarsid
bâyad betarsid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bâyad
  • must
  • lv_aux
  • be-tars-id
  • SBJ-fear.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘You must be afraid’
na inke esteres begirid
na inke esteres begirid
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • na
  • no
  • other
  • inke
  • that
  • other
  • esteres
  • stress
  • np:lvc
  • be-gir-id
  • SBJ-take.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘I don't mean you to be stressful’
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • be-tars-id
  • IMP-fear.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘Be afraid’
va morâqeb bâšid
va morâqeb bâšid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • morâqeb
  • careful
  • other:lvc
  • bâš-id
  • IMP.be.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘And be careful’
birun raftan yaʔni movâjehe šodan bâ marg
birun raftan yaʔni movâjeh šodan bâ marg
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • birun
  • outside
  • nc
  • raftan
  • go.INF
  • nc
  • yaʔni
  • means
  • nc
  • movâjeh
  • face
  • nc
  • šodan
  • become.INF
  • nc
  • with
  • nc
  • marg
  • death
  • nc
‘Going out means facing death’
na faqat marge xodetun
na faqat marge xodetân
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • na
  • not
  • nc
  • faqat
  • only
  • nc
  • marg=e
  • death=EZ
  • nc
  • xod=etân
  • self=2PL
  • nc
‘Not only your own death’
marge aʔzâ va xunevâdeyi ke momkene beynetun bâšan
marge aʔzâ va xânevâdeyi ke momken ast beynetân bâšand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • marg=e
  • death=EZ
  • np:s
  • aʔzâ
  • member.PL
  • rn_np
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • xânevâde=yi
  • family=RM
  • rn_np
  • ke
  • compl
  • momken
  • possible
  • other:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • beyn
  • between
  • adp
  • =etân
  • =2PL
  • =pro.2:l
  • bâš-and
  • SBJ.be.PRS-3PL
  • predex
‘(but also) the death of the members and families that maybe live with you’
va zaʔif bâše sisteme imenišun
va zaʔif bâšad sisteme imeniyešân
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • zaʔif
  • weak
  • other:pred
  • bâš-ad
  • SBJ.be.PRS-3SG
  • cop
  • sistem=e
  • system=EZ
  • np:dt_s
  • imeni
  • immune
  • rn_np
  • =yešân
  • =3PL
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
‘And maybe their immune system are weak’
az xordane multivitâminhâ manyaziyom zink va sâyere multivitâminhâm xoddâri konid
az xordane multivitâminhâ manyaziyom zink va sâyere multivitâminhâ ham xoddâri konid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • xordan=e
  • eat.INF=EZ
  • np:obl
  • multivitâmin-hâ
  • multi vitamine-PL
  • rn_np
  • manyaziyom
  • magnesuim
  • rn_np
  • zink
  • zinc
  • rn_np
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • sâyer=e
  • other=EZ
  • rn_np
  • multivitâmin-hâ
  • multivitamine-PL
  • rn_np
  • =ham
  • =also
  • =other
  • xoddâri
  • restraint
  • other:lvc
  • kon-id
  • IMP.do.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘Avoid of taking multivitamins, Zinc and all other multivitamins’
mive eškâl nadâre
mive eškâl nadârad
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • mive
  • fruit
  • np:s
  • eškâl
  • problem
  • np:lvc
  • na-dâr-ad
  • NEG-have.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘Fruits doesn't cause any problems’
amâ be joz čizâye tabiyi hiči naxorid
ammâ be joz čizhâye tabiʔi hič čiz naxorid
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • ammâ
  • but
  • other
  • be joz
  • except
  • adp
  • čiz-hâ=ye
  • thing-PL=EZ
  • np:obl
  • tabiʔi
  • natural
  • rn_other
  • hič
  • any
  • ln_qu
  • čiz
  • thing
  • np:p
  • na-xor-id
  • NEG.IMP-eat.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘but do not eat anything other than natural foods’
xâheš mikonam
xâheš mikonam
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • xâheš
  • begging
  • np:lvc
  • mi-kon-am
  • IND-do.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘I beg you’
hič dâruye dâruxuneyi ro dige naxorid barâye taqviyate xodetun
hič dâruye dâruxâneyi râ digar naxorid barâye taqviyate xodetân
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • hič
  • any
  • ln_qu
  • dâru=ye
  • medicine=EZ
  • np:p
  • dâruxâneyi
  • pharmacy
  • rn_other
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • digar
  • anymore
  • other
  • na-xor-id
  • NEG.IMP-eat.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
  • barâ=ye
  • for=EZ
  • adp
  • taqviyat=e
  • reinforcement=EZ
  • np:obl
  • xod=etân
  • self=2PL
  • rn_refl_pro.2:poss
‘Don't eat any drug (of drugstores) to reinforce yourselves’
be nazar mirese
be nazar miresad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • be
  • in
  • other:lvc
  • nazar
  • view
  • np:lvc
  • mi-res-ad
  • IND-get.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘It seems that’
har kesi ke masraf mikone
har kasi ke masraf mikonad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • har
  • every
  • ln_qu
  • kas=i
  • person=RM
  • np.h:s
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • compl
  • masraf
  • consumption
  • other:lvc
  • mi-kon-ad
  • IND-do.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘Anybody who consumes this drug’
mostaʔedtare barâye âlude šodan be in virus nâšenâxteyi
mostaʔedtar ast barâye âlude šodan be in virus nâšenâxteyi
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • mostaʔed-tar
  • vulnerabale-COMPR
  • other:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
  • barâ=ye
  • for=EZ
  • adp
  • âlude šodan
  • become septic.INF
  • np:obl
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • virus
  • virus
  • np:obl
  • nâšenâxte=yi
  • unknown=RM
  • rn_other
‘(He) is more vulnerable to be infected with this unknown virus’
ke tuye irâne
ke tuye irân ast
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • ke
  • compl
  • tu=ye
  • in=EZ
  • adp
  • irân
  • Iran
  • pn_np:l
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • predex
‘which exists in Iran’
in virus farq dâre bâ virusi ke tuye donyâ paxš šode
in virus farq dârad bâ virusi ke dar donyâ paxš šode ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • virus
  • virus
  • np:s
  • farq
  • different
  • np:lvc
  • dâr-ad
  • have.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
  • with
  • adp
  • virus=i
  • virus=RM
  • np:obl
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • compl
  • dar
  • at
  • adp
  • donyâ
  • world
  • np:l
  • paxš
  • spread
  • other:lvc
  • šod-e
  • become.PST-PTCP
  • v:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
‘This virus is different from the virus which has been spread all over the world’
mâ nemidunim
mâ nemidânim
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • 1PL
  • pro.1:s
  • ne-mi-dân-im
  • NEG-IND-know.PRS-1PL
  • v:pred
‘We don't know’
če ast
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • če
  • what
  • intrg_other:s
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘what is it’
hâlâ tuye irân jaheš peydâ karde
hâlâ tuye irân jaheš peydâ karde ast
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • hâlâ
  • EXCL.
  • other
  • tu=ye
  • in=EZ
  • adp
  • irân
  • iran
  • np:l
  • jaheš
  • mutation
  • np:lvc
  • peydâ
  • find
  • other:lvc
  • kard-e
  • do.PST-PTCP
  • v:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
‘Well (maybe) it has mutated in Iran’
qablan bude
qablan bude ast
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • qablan
  • already
  • other
  • bud-e
  • be.PST-PTCP
  • predex
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
‘It existed already’
alân yedafʔeyi ziyâdtar šode
alân yekdafʔeyi ziyâdtar šode ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • alân
  • now
  • other
  • yekdafʔeyi
  • suddenly
  • other
  • ziyâd-tar
  • increase-COMPR
  • other:lvc
  • šod-e
  • become.PST-PTCP
  • v:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
‘Now it has been increased suddenly’
yâ hamun kovid nuzdahe
yâ hamân kovid nuzdah ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • or
  • other
  • hamân
  • same
  • ln_dem
  • kovid
  • Covid
  • pn_np:s
  • nuzdah
  • nineteen
  • rn_num
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘Or maybe it is the Covid-19’
ke taqire šekl dâde
ke taqire šekl dâde ast
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • ke
  • compl
  • taqir=e
  • change=EZ
  • np:lvc
  • šekl
  • form
  • np:lvc
  • dâd-e
  • give.PST-PTCP
  • v:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
‘That has been changed its form’
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • ne-mi-dân-am
  • NEG-IND-know.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘I don't know’
man taxasos dar in mored nadâram
man taxassos dar in mored nadâram
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • man
  • 1SG
  • pro.1:s
  • taxassos
  • specialty
  • np:p
  • dar
  • at
  • adp
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • mored
  • case
  • np:obl
  • na-dâr-am
  • NEG-have.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘I'm not professional in this field’
vasâyelo emkânâte lâzemam barâye tašxisešo nadâram
vasâyel va emkânâte lâzem ham barâye tašxisaš râ nadâram
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • vasâyel
  • instrument.PL
  • np:p
  • =va
  • =and
  • =other
  • emkânât=e
  • facility.PL=EZ
  • rn_np
  • lâzem
  • necessary
  • rn_other
  • =ham
  • =also
  • =other
  • barâ=ye
  • for=EZ
  • adp
  • tašxis
  • diagnosis
  • np:obl
  • =aš
  • =3SG
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • na-dâr-am
  • NEG-have.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘And I don't have essential instruments and facilities for diagnosing it’
inâ marbut be âzmâyešgâhâye ženetikiye
inhâ marbut be âzmâyešgâhhâye ženetiki ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • in-hâ
  • this-PL
  • dem_pro:s
  • marbut
  • relevant
  • other:lvc
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • âzmâyešgâh-hâ=ye
  • laboratory-PL=EZ
  • np:obl
  • ženetiki
  • genetic
  • rn_other
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • v:pred
‘These are related to the genetic laboratories’
va unâ bâyad in kâro anjâm bedan
va ânhâ bâyad in kâr râ anjâm bedahand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • ânhâ
  • 3PL
  • pro.h:s
  • bâyad
  • must
  • lv_aux
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • kâr
  • work
  • np:p
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • anjâm
  • perform
  • other:lvc
  • be-dah-and
  • SBJ-give.PRS-3PL
  • v:pred
‘And they are in charge of diagnosing this’
man faqat mitunam
man faqat mitavânam
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • man
  • 1SG
  • pro.1:s
  • faqat
  • only
  • other
  • mi-tavân-am
  • IND-can.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘I only can’
alân behetun begam
alân behetân beguyam
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • alân
  • now
  • other
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • =hetân
  • =2PL
  • =pro.2:g
  • be-guy-am
  • SBJ-say.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘to tell you now that’
ke hatâ mâske en navado panj ham jelošo nemigire
ke hattâ mâske en navado panj ham jeloyaš râ nemigirad
  • #
  • #
  • #ds.neg
  • ke
  • compl
  • hattâ
  • even
  • other
  • mâsk=e
  • mask=EZ
  • np:s
  • en navado panj
  • N95
  • rn_other
  • ham
  • also
  • other
  • jelo
  • front
  • other:lvc
  • =yaš
  • =3SG
  • =pro:p
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • ne-mi-gir-ad
  • NEG-IND-take.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘that even the N95 mask cannot obstruct this virus’
čon az dusthâye ženetikim bem goftan
čon az dusthâye ženetikiyam behem goftand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • čon
  • because
  • other
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • dust-hâ=ye
  • friend-PL=EZ
  • np.h:s
  • ženetiki
  • genetic
  • rn_other
  • =yam
  • =1SG
  • =rn_pro.1:poss
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • =hem
  • =1SG
  • =pro.1:g
  • goft-and
  • say.PST-3PL
  • v:pred
‘Because some of my friends who are in genetics field told me’
ke in virus jadid ke dige alân bâ kite tašxise koronâ qâbele šenâsâyi nist
ke in virus jadid ke digar alân bâ kite tašxise koronâ qâbele šenâsâyi nist
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • ke
  • nc
  • in
  • this
  • nc
  • virus
  • virus
  • nc
  • jadid
  • new
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • #dc.neg
  • ke
  • compl
  • digar
  • anymore
  • other
  • alân
  • now
  • other
  • with
  • adp
  • kit=e
  • kit=EZ
  • np:obl
  • tašxis=e
  • diagnosis=EZ
  • rn_np
  • koronâ
  • Corona
  • rn_pn_np
  • qâbel=e
  • able=EZ
  • np:pred
  • šenâsâyi
  • identification
  • rn_np
  • ni-st
  • NEG-be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘that this new virus which is not detectable with coronavirus diagnostic kits anymore’
čon kiti ke alân hasteš
čon kiti ke alân hasteš
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • čon
  • because
  • other
  • kit=i
  • kit=RM
  • np:s
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • compl
  • alân
  • now
  • other
  • hast=eš
  • be.PRS.3SG=3SGX
  • predex
‘Because the diagnostic kit which is now available’
bar asase kovid nuzdah bud
bar asase kovid nuzdah bud
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • bar asas=e
  • according to=EZ
  • adp
  • kovid
  • Covid
  • pn_np:pred
  • nuzdah
  • nineteen
  • rn_num
  • bud
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘It was based on the Covid-19’
va teste kasâyiyam ke mordan bâ kovid nuzdah
va teste kasâni ham ke mordand bâ kovid nuzdah
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • test=e
  • test=EZ
  • np:s
  • kas-ân=i
  • person-PL=RM
  • rn_np
  • =ham
  • =also
  • =other
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • compl
  • mord-and
  • die.PST-3PL
  • v:pred
  • with
  • adp
  • kovid
  • Covid
  • pn_np:obl
  • nuzdah
  • nineteen
  • rn_num
‘And the results of the tests of whom passed away because of Covid-19’
bâ in kite kovid nuzdah manfiye
bâ in kite kovid nuzdah manfi ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • with
  • adp
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • kit=e
  • kit=EZ
  • np:obl
  • kovid
  • Covid
  • rn_pn_np
  • nuzdah
  • nineteen
  • rn_num
  • manfi
  • negative
  • other:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘It was negative with the covid-19 diagnostic kits’
in yani in virus dige kovid nuzdah nist
in yaʔni in virus digar kovid nuzdah nist
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • in
  • this
  • nc
  • yaʔni
  • means
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • virus
  • virus
  • np:s
  • digar
  • anymore
  • other
  • kovid
  • Covid
  • pn_np:pred
  • nuzdah
  • nineteen
  • rn_num
  • ni-st
  • NEG-be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘This means that this virus is not Covid-19 anymore’
yek sâyzeš kučiktare
yek sâyzaš kučaktar ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • yek
  • first
  • other
  • sâyz
  • size
  • np:s
  • =aš
  • =3SG
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • kučak-tar
  • small-COMPR
  • other:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘First, its size is smaller’
dar hade yek mikrone
dar hadde yek mikron ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • dar hadde
  • to extent
  • ln_qu
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_num
  • mikron
  • micron
  • np:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘Its size is about one micron’
yeki do mikrone
yek yâ do mikron ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_num
  • yâ
  • or
  • other
  • do
  • two
  • ln_num
  • mikron
  • micron
  • np:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘Its size is about one or two micron’
yani kamtar az kučik riztar az filterâye en navado panj
yaʔni kamtar az kučak riztar az filterhâye en navado panj
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • yaʔni
  • means
  • nc
  • kam-tar
  • low-COMPR
  • nc
  • az
  • from
  • nc
  • kučak
  • small
  • nc
  • riz-tar
  • tiny-COMPR
  • nc
  • az
  • from
  • nc
  • filter-hâ=ye
  • filter-PL=EZ
  • nc
  • en navado panj
  • N95
  • nc
‘It means that it is smaller than the filters of N95 masks’
do dige bâ kitâye koronâ qâbele tašxis nist
do digar bâ kithâye koronâ qâbele tašxis nist
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • do
  • second
  • other
  • digar
  • anymore
  • other
  • with
  • adp
  • kit-hâ=ye
  • kit-PL=EZ
  • np:obl
  • koronâ
  • Corona
  • rn_pn_np
  • qâbel=e
  • able=EZ
  • other:lvc
  • tašxis
  • diagnosis
  • other:lvc
  • ni-st
  • NEG-be.PRS.3SG
  • v:pred
‘Second, it is not detectable with the diagnostic kits of N95 anymore’
yani xeyliyâ miyân
yaʔni xeylihâ miyâyand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • yaʔni
  • means
  • other
  • xeyli-hâ
  • very-PL
  • np.h:s
  • mi-yâ-yand
  • IND-come.PRS-3PL
  • v:pred
‘It means that a lot of pepole are coming there’
tamâme ʔalâʔeme koronâ va badtarešo dâran
tamâme ʔalâʔeme koronâ va badtaraš râ dârand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • tamâm=e
  • all=EZ
  • ln_qu
  • ʔalâʔem=e
  • symptom.PL=EZ
  • np:p
  • koronâ
  • Corona
  • rn_pn_np
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • bad-tar
  • bad-COMPR
  • rn_other
  • =aš
  • =3SG
  • =pro:obl
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • dâr-and
  • have.PRS-3PL
  • v:pred
‘They have all of the Coronavirus symptoms and even more severe symptoms than that’
amâ bâ kit manfi gozâreš miše
ammâ bâ kit manfi gozâreš mišavad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ammâ
  • but
  • other
  • with
  • adp
  • kit
  • kit
  • np:obl
  • manfi
  • negative
  • lv_other
  • gozâreš
  • report
  • np:lvc
  • mi-šav-ad
  • IND-become.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘But it is reported negative using these kits’
in yani in virus dige un virus nist
in yaʔni in virus digar ân virus nist
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • in
  • this
  • nc
  • yaʔni
  • means
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • virus
  • virus
  • np:s
  • digar
  • anymore
  • other
  • ân
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • virus
  • virus
  • np:pred
  • ni-st
  • NEG-be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘This means that this virus is not that coronavirus anymore’
ye čize digast
yek čize digar ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_num
  • čiz=e
  • thing=EZ
  • np:s
  • digar
  • another
  • rn_other
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘It is something else’
va hamin
va hamin
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • va
  • and
  • nc
  • hamin
  • this
  • nc
‘and just this...’
tâ mitunid
tâ mitavânid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • until
  • other
  • mi-tavân-id
  • IND-can.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘As much as you can’
morâqeb bâšid
morâqeb bâšid
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • morâqeb
  • careful
  • other:lvc
  • bâš-id
  • IMP.be.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘Be careful’
niyâzi nist
niyâzi nist
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • niyâz=i
  • need=INDF
  • np:s
  • ni-st
  • NEG-be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘It is not necessary’
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • be-rav-id
  • SBJ-go.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘to go’
az dâruxone yâ felân ja mâsk tahiye konid
az dâruxâne yâ felân ja mâsk tahiyye konid
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • dâruxâne
  • pharmacy
  • np:obl
  • or
  • other
  • felân
  • another
  • rn_other
  • jâ
  • place
  • rn_np
  • mâsk
  • mask
  • np:p
  • tahiyye
  • preparation
  • other:lvc
  • kon-id
  • IMP.do.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘And get mask from drugstores and somewhere else’
lâzem nist
lâzem nist
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • lâzem
  • necessary
  • other:pred
  • ni-st
  • NEG-be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘It is not necessary’
hatman dastkeše lâtekse yekbârmasraf bexarid
hatman dastkeše lâtekse yekbârmasraf bexarid
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • hatman
  • certainly
  • other
  • dastkeš=e
  • glove=EZ
  • np:p
  • lâteks=e
  • latex=EZ
  • rn_np
  • yekbârmasraf
  • disposable
  • rn_other
  • be-xar-id
  • SBJ-buy.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘to buy disposable latex gloves’
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • na
  • no
  • nc
hatâ dastkešâye zarfšuyi yâ dastkeš aslan bâ pârčeʔam dorost konid
hattâ dastkešhâye zarfšuyi yâ dastkeš aslan bâ pârče ham dorost konid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • hattâ
  • even
  • other
  • dastkeš-hâ=ye
  • glove-PL=EZ
  • np:p
  • zarfšuyi
  • washing
  • rn_other
  • or
  • other
  • dastkeš
  • glove
  • rn_np
  • aslan
  • yet
  • other
  • with
  • adp
  • pârče
  • fabric
  • np:obl
  • =ham
  • =also
  • =other
  • dorost
  • make
  • other:lvc
  • kon-id
  • IMP.do.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘Even washing gloves or handmade gloves are suitable’
mofid ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • mofid
  • useful
  • other:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘They are useful’
be šarti ke dâʔem bešurideš bâ âbo sâbun
be šarti ke dâʔem bešuridaš bâ âb va sâbun
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • šart=e
  • condition=EZ
  • np:other
  • inke
  • that
  • rn_other
  • dâʔem
  • steady
  • other
  • be-šur-id
  • SBJ-wash.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
  • =aš
  • =3SG
  • =pro:p
  • with
  • adp
  • âb
  • water
  • np:obl
  • =va
  • =and
  • =other
  • sâbun
  • soap
  • rn_np
‘Providing to be washed constantly with water and soap’
har no virusiyam bâše
har noʔ virusi ham bâšad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • har
  • any
  • ln_qu
  • noʔ
  • CLF
  • ln_np
  • virus=i
  • virus=INDF
  • np:s
  • =ham
  • =also
  • =other
  • bâš-ad
  • SBJ.be.PRS-3SG
  • cop
‘What kind of virus it is’
har noyi
har noʔyi
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • har
  • any
  • nc
  • noʔ=yi
  • kind=INDF
  • nc
‘Any kind’
har noʔ mikrobiyam bâše
har noʔ mikrobi ham bâšad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • har
  • any
  • ln_qu
  • noʔ
  • CLF
  • ln_np
  • mikrob=i
  • microbe=INDF
  • np:s
  • =ham
  • =also
  • =other
  • bâš-ad
  • SBJ.be.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘Any kind of microbe it is’
bâzam bâ âbo sâbun az beyn mire
bâz ham bâ âb va sâbun az beyn miravad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bâz
  • again
  • other
  • =ham
  • =also
  • =other
  • with
  • adp
  • âb
  • water
  • np:obl
  • =va
  • =and
  • =other
  • sâbun
  • soap
  • rn_np
  • az
  • from
  • other:lvc
  • beyn
  • existence
  • other:lvc
  • mi-rav-ad
  • IND-go.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘It will be washed out with water and soap’
čon sâbun qodrate halkonandegiye xeyli ziyâdi dâre
čon sâbun qodrate halkonandegiye xeyli ziyâdi dârad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • čon
  • because
  • other
  • sâbun
  • soap
  • np:s
  • qodrat=e
  • power=EZ
  • np:p
  • halkonandegi=ye
  • solubility=EZ
  • rn_np
  • xeyli
  • very
  • other
  • ziyâd=i
  • much=INDF
  • rn_other
  • dâr-ad
  • have.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘Because soap have powerful solubility quality’
maxsosan rikâ mitune
maxsusan rikâ mitavânad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • maxsosan
  • specially
  • other
  • rikâ
  • Rika
  • pn_np:s
  • mi-tavân-ad
  • IND-can.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘Specially Rika (dish soap) can’
mitune lipidâro tuye xodeš hal kone
mitavânad lipidhâ râ tuye xodaš hal konad
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • mi-tavân-ad
  • IND-can.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • lipid-hâ
  • lipid-PL
  • pn_np:p
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • tu=ye
  • in=EZ
  • adp
  • xod=aš
  • self=3SG
  • refl_pro:obl
  • hal
  • dissolve
  • other:lvc
  • kon-ad
  • SBJ.do.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘It can dissolve lipids in itself’
vâyteksam ke az samitarin mavâde momkene barâye har mojude zende va qeyrezendeyi
vâyteks ham ke az sammitarin mavâde momken ast barâye har mojude zende va qeyrezendeyi
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • vâyteks
  • whitex
  • pn_np:s
  • =ham
  • =also
  • =other
  • ke
  • compl
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • sammi-tarin
  • poisonous-SUPERL
  • ln_other
  • mavâd=e
  • material.PL=EZ
  • np:obl
  • momken
  • possible
  • rn_other
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
  • barâ=ye
  • for=EZ
  • adp
  • har
  • any
  • ln_qu
  • mojud=e
  • creature=EZ
  • np:obl
  • zende
  • living
  • rn_other
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • qeyrezende=yi
  • non-living=INDF
  • rn_other
‘And whitex is one of the most poisonous substance for any living and non-living things’
kamtar estefâde konid barâye barâye hâlate tanafosiye xodetun
kamtar estefâde konid barâye barâye hâlate tanafosiye xodetân
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • kam-tar
  • low-COMPR
  • other
  • estefâde
  • use
  • other:lvc
  • kon-id
  • IMP.do.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
  • barâ=ye
  • for=EZ
  • other
  • barâ=ye
  • for=EZ
  • adp
  • hâlat=e
  • state=EZ
  • np:obl
  • tanafosi=ye
  • respiratory=EZ
  • rn_other
  • xod=etân
  • self=2PL
  • rn_refl_pro.2:poss
‘Use it less for your own respiratory system’
xodâye nakarde eštebâhi masmomiyate vâyteks midid
xodâye nakarde eštebâhi masmomiyate vâyteks midahid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • xodâye nakarde
  • God forbid
  • other
  • eštebâhi
  • by mistake
  • other
  • masmomiyat=e
  • poisoning=EZ
  • np:p
  • vâyteks
  • whitex
  • rn_pn_np
  • mi-dah-id
  • IND-give.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
‘Heaven forbid, you may be poisoned by whitex’
va vali be envâne hâlate koronâ šenâxte mišid
va vali be onvâne hâlate koronâ šenâxte mišavid
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • vali
  • but
  • other
  • be onvân=e
  • as=EZ
  • adp
  • hâlat=e
  • state=EZ
  • np:obl
  • koronâ
  • Corona
  • rn_pn_np
  • šenâxt-e
  • known.PST-PTCP
  • v:pred
  • mi-šav-id
  • IND-become.PRS-2PL
  • rv_aux
‘But you will be diagnosed with Coronavirus symptoms’
bâ masmumiyate vâyteks mirid bimârestân
bâ masmumiyate vâyteks miravid bimârestân
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • with
  • adp
  • masmumiyat=e
  • poisoning=EZ
  • np:obl
  • vâyteks
  • whitex
  • rn_pn_np
  • mi-rav-id
  • IND-go.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
  • bimârestân
  • hospital
  • np:g
‘You will go to hospital with whitex poisoning’
amâ az bimâriye koronâ xâhid mord
ammâ az bimâriye koronâ xâhid mord
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ammâ
  • but
  • other
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • bimâri=ye
  • illness=EZ
  • np:obl
  • koronâ
  • Corona
  • rn_pn_np
  • xâh-id
  • will.PRS-2PL
  • lv_aux
  • mord
  • die.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘But you will die from Coronavirus’