Text preview: oh_m_childhood3

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  • Metadata summary
  • text titlechildhood3
  • text typeoh
  • speaker genderm
  • corpus version2.0
  • last updated2022-09-01
Annotation key
utterance identifier
formal form of the utterance
  • grammatical words
  • morphological glosses
  • annotations with GRAID-L
‘idiomatic translation’
dovome ebtedâyi budam
dovvome ebtedâyi budam
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • dovvom=e
  • second=EZ
  • ln_num
  • ebtedâyi
  • elementary
  • np:pred
  • bud-am
  • be.PST-1SG
  • v:predex
‘I was in the second grade of elementary school’
bâ yeki az hamsâyehâmun esmeš amin bud
bâ yeki az hamsâyehâyemân esmaš amin bud
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bâ
  • with
  • nc
  • yek=i
  • one=INDF
  • nc
  • az
  • of
  • nc
  • hamsâye-hâ
  • neighbor-PL
  • nc
  • =yemân
  • =1PL
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • esm
  • name
  • np:s
  • =aš
  • =3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • amin
  • Amin
  • pn_np:pred
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
  • %
  • %
  • %
‘Then, one of our neighbors was named Amin’
yeki az tafrihâte mozaxrafi ke o zaman bud
yeki az tafrihâte mozaxrafi ke ân zaman bud
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • yek=i
  • one=INDF
  • ln_qu
  • az
  • of
  • adp
  • tafrih-ât=e
  • amusement-PL=EZ
  • np:s
  • mozaxraf=i
  • nonsense=RM
  • rn_other
  • ke
  • compl
  • ân
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • zaman
  • time
  • np:other
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • v:predex
‘one of the ridiculous hobbies of that time was...’
i bud ke
in bud ke
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • in
  • this
  • dem_pro:s
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
  • ke
  • compl
‘was that...’
zange xânehâro mizadimo
zange xânehâ râ mizadim va
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • zang=e
  • ring=EZ
  • np:p
  • xâne-hâ
  • house-PL
  • rn_np
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • mi-zad-im
  • PROG-hit.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • =va
  • =and
  • =other
‘We rang the doorbells’
farâr mikardim
farâr mikardim
  • farâr
  • scape
  • np:lvc
  • mi-kard-im
  • PROG-do.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
‘we ran away’
ye piremard pirezani hamsâye mâ zendegi mikardan
yek piremard pirezani hamsâyeye mâ zendegi mikardand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_num
  • piremard
  • old man
  • np.h:s
  • pirezan=i
  • old woman=INDF
  • rn_np
  • hamsâye=ye
  • neighbor=EZ
  • np.h:l
  • mâ
  • 1PL
  • rn_pro.1:poss
  • zendegi
  • living
  • np:lvc
  • mi-kard-and
  • PROG-do.PST-3PL
  • v:pred
‘An old man and an old woman lived in our neighborhood’
piremarde âlzâymer dâšt
piremarde âlzâymer dâšt
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • piremard=e
  • old man=DEF
  • np.h:s
  • âlzâymer
  • Alzheimer
  • np:p
  • dâšt
  • have.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘The old man had Alzheimer’
zane ham taqriban divâne bud
zane ham taqriban divâne bud
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • zan=e
  • woman=DEF
  • np.h:s
  • ham
  • also
  • other
  • taqriban
  • almost
  • other
  • divâne
  • crazy
  • other:pred
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
‘and the woman was almost crazy’
mâ farib xordim
mâ farib xordim
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • mâ
  • 1PL
  • pro.1:s
  • farib
  • deception
  • np:lvc
  • xord-im
  • eat.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • =va
  • =and
  • =other
‘We were deceived’
o goftim
va goftim
  • goft-im
  • say.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
‘and we said’
zange dare xâney inâre bezanim
zange dare xâneye inhâ râ bezanim
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • zang=e
  • ring=EZ
  • np:p
  • dar=e
  • door=EZ
  • rn_np
  • xâne=ye
  • house=EZ
  • rn_np
  • in-hâ
  • this-PL
  • rn_dem_pro
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • be-zan-im
  • SBJ-hit.PRS-1PL
  • v:pred
‘to ring the doorbell of their house’
va xodemâne polis moʔarefi konim
va xodemân râ polis moʔarefi konim
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • xod=emân
  • self=1PL
  • refl_pro.1:p
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • polis
  • police
  • np.h:obl
  • moʔarefi
  • introduce
  • other:lvc
  • kon-im
  • do.PRS-1PL
  • v:pred
‘And introduce ourselves as the police’
čon hesâb mikardim
čon hesâb mikardim
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • čon
  • because
  • other
  • hesâb
  • counting
  • np:lvc
  • mi-kard-im
  • PROG-do.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
‘We counted with ourselves’
ke az xâne ke bexâd biyâd
ke az xâne ke bexâhad biyâyad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • compl
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • xâne
  • house
  • np:l
  • ke
  • compl
  • be-xâh-ad
  • SBJ-want.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • bi-yây-ad
  • SBJ-come.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘until she comes from home’
dare bâz kone
dar râ bâz konad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • dar
  • door
  • np:p
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • bâz
  • open
  • other:lvc
  • kon-ad
  • do.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘and opens the door’
koli tul mikeše
kolli tul mikešad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • kolli
  • very
  • other
  • tul
  • length
  • np:lvc
  • mi-keš-ad
  • IND-drag.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘it took a long time’
zang zadim
zang zadim
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • zang
  • ring
  • np:lvc
  • zad-im
  • hit.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • =va
  • =and
  • =other
‘we rang the doorbell’
o goftim
va goftim
  • goft-im
  • say.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
‘and we said’
mâ polisimo
mâ polis hastim va
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • mâ
  • 1PL
  • pro.1:s
  • polis
  • police
  • np.h:pred
  • hast-im
  • be.PRS-1PL
  • cop
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • =va
  • =and
  • =other
‘we are police and’
tašrif biyârid birun
tašrif biyâvarid birun
  • tašrif
  • honouring
  • other:lvc
  • bi-yâvar-id
  • IMP-bring.PRS-2PL
  • v:pred
  • birun
  • outside
  • other:g
‘come out please’
pirezane tâ inke bexâd biyâd
pirezane tâ inke bexâhad biyâyad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • pirezan=e
  • old woman=DEF
  • np.h:s
  • tâ
  • untill
  • other
  • inke
  • this
  • other
  • be-xâh-ad
  • SBJ-want.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • bi-yây-ad
  • SBJ-come.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘until the old woman came’
mâ raftim
mâ raftim
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • mâ
  • 1PL
  • pro.1:s
  • raft-im
  • go.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
‘we went’
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • raft-im
  • go.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
‘we went’
yeki do sâʔat bad čand tâ kuče unvartar ye pârki bud
yeki do sâʔat baʔd čand tâ kuče ân taraftar yek pârki bud
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • yek=i
  • one=INDF
  • nc
  • do
  • two
  • nc
  • sâʔat
  • hour
  • nc
  • baʔd
  • next
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • čand
  • several
  • ln_qu
  • tâ
  • CLF
  • ln_other
  • kuče
  • alley
  • np:l
  • ântaraf-tar
  • other side-COMPR
  • rn_other
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_num
  • pârk=i
  • park=INDF
  • np:s
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • v:predex
‘A few alleys away there was a park’
bâzi kardimo felâno inâ
bâzi kardim va felân va inhâ
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bâzi
  • play
  • np:lvc
  • kard-im
  • do.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
  • =va
  • =and
  • =other
  • felân
  • whatnot
  • other
  • =va
  • =and
  • =other
  • in-hâ
  • this-PL
  • other
‘we played there’
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • goft-im
  • say.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
‘we said’
ye lahze âmade dame dar
yek lahze âmade ast dame dar
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_num
  • lahze
  • moment
  • np:other
  • âmad-e
  • come.PST-PTCP
  • v:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
  • dam=e
  • at=EZ
  • adp
  • dar
  • door
  • np:g
‘she has came at the door for a second’
masalan dide
masalan dide ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • masalan
  • for example
  • other
  • did-e
  • see.PST-PTCP
  • v:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
‘and she saw’
ke nist
ke nist
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • ke
  • compl
  • ni-st
  • NEG-be.PRS.3SG
  • v:predex
‘that there isn't’
kesi niso
kasi nist va
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • kas=i
  • person=INDF
  • np.h:s
  • ni-st
  • NEG-be.PRS.3SG
  • v:predex
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • =va
  • =and
  • =other
‘There is no one’
mire xâne
miravad xâne
  • mi-rav-ad
  • IND-go.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
  • xâne
  • house
  • np:g
‘and she went home’
bade i ke bargaštim kuče
baʔd az in ke bargaštim kuče
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • baʔd az
  • after
  • adp
  • inke
  • that
  • np:other
  • bargašt-im
  • return.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
  • kuče
  • alley
  • np:g
‘After we returned to the alley’
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • did-im
  • see.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
‘we saw’
kuče pore âdam
kuče por az âdam ast
  • #
  • #
  • #dc
  • kuče
  • alley
  • np:l
  • por
  • full
  • ln_qu
  • az
  • of
  • adp
  • âdam
  • person
  • np.h:obl
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • v:predex
‘The alley is full of people’
bade do se sâʔat
baʔd az do se sâʔat
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • baʔd az
  • after
  • nc
  • do
  • two
  • nc
  • se
  • three
  • nc
  • sâʔat
  • hour
  • nc
‘after two or three hours’
xodâ xeyretân nede
xodâ xeyretân nadahad
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • xodâ
  • God
  • np.d:s
  • xeyr
  • bless
  • np:lvc
  • =etân
  • 2PL
  • =rn_pro.2:obl
  • na-dah-ad
  • NEG-give.PRS-3SG
  • v:pred
‘may God doesn't bless you’
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • ne-mi-dân-am
  • NEG-IND-know.PRS-1SG
  • v:pred
‘I don't know’
če dâstâniye
če dâstâni ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • če
  • what
  • ln_qu
  • dâstân=i
  • story=INDF
  • np:s
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘what is the story’
polis goftan âmade dere xâney mâ
polis goftand âmade ast dare xâneye mâ
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • polis
  • police
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • goft-and
  • say.PST-3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #ds
  • âmad-e
  • come.PST-PTCP
  • v:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • rv_aux
  • dar=e
  • at=EZ
  • adp
  • xâne=ye
  • house=EZ
  • np:g
  • mâ
  • 1PL
  • rn_pro.1:poss
‘they said that the police have come to our house’
bad kolan pirezane ye juri bud
baʔd kollan pirezane yek juri bud
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • baʔd
  • then
  • other
  • kollan
  • totally
  • other
  • pirezan=e
  • old woman=DEF
  • np.h:s
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_num
  • jur=i
  • kind=INDF
  • np:pred
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
‘and that old woman was somehow crazy’
be surate âdi šâki bud
be surate ʔâdi šâki bud
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • be
  • in
  • other
  • surat=e
  • way=EZ
  • other
  • ʔâdi
  • normal
  • other
  • šâki
  • complainant
  • np:lvc
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘she was always a plaintiff’
diye če berese be iy ke hâlâ mâ ye hesse badiyam beheš elqâ dâde karde budim
digar če beresad be in ke hâlâ mâ yek hesse badi ham beheš elqâ dâde karde budim
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • digar
  • other
  • nc
  • če
  • what
  • nc
  • be-res-ad
  • SBJ-arrive.PRS-3SG
  • nc
  • be
  • to
  • nc
  • in
  • this
  • nc
  • ke
  • nc
  • hâlâ
  • now
  • nc
  • mâ
  • 1PL
  • nc
  • yek
  • one
  • nc
  • hess=e
  • sense=EZ
  • nc
  • bad=i
  • bad=INDF
  • nc
  • =ham
  • =also
  • nc
  • be=heš
  • to=3SG
  • nc
  • elqâ
  • induction
  • nc
  • dâd-e
  • give.PST-PTCP
  • nc
  • kard-e
  • do.PST-PTCP
  • nc
  • bud-im
  • be.PST-1PL
  • nc
‘let alone that we made her feel bad’
âre i bud
âre in bud
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • âre
  • yes
  • other
  • in
  • this
  • dem_pro:s
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
‘it was because of this that...’
ke dige say kardim
ke digar saʔy kardim
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • compl
  • digar
  • other
  • other
  • saʔy
  • try
  • np:lvc
  • kard-im
  • do.PST-1PL
  • v:pred
‘thsat we tried to’
kesiye eziyat nekonim
kasi râ aziyat nakonim
  • #
  • #
  • #dc.neg
  • kas=i
  • person=INDF
  • np.h:p
  • =râ
  • =OM
  • =ra
  • aziyat
  • harassment
  • np:lvc
  • na-kon-im
  • NEG-do.PRS-1PL
  • v:pred
‘Do not bother anyone’